Sasural Simar ka
Sasural Simar Ka is a daily soap on Colors TV. It premiered on April 25, 2011. It airs every Monday to Friday at 7:30PM IST. It is a lighthearted humor drama show. It captures the journey of a young, chirpy and joyous girl and her dream of becoming a dancing superstar.
This story of 'Sasural Simar Ka' is the journey of an ordinary young small town girl, Simar (Deepika Samson), who has grown up in her middle class family, under her father's strict discipline and is well prepared to continue living under her husband's shadow in future. She loves her father a lot and vice versa, whose teachings have enriched her with strong values and rooted her deep in culture. But her simple sounding story takes a sharp turn when her dreams and discipline of middle class come face to face. Her passion for dancing and peer pressure induces her to enroll in a dance competition. She starts chasing her dream without letting both her father and her Sasural people know about it, with support from some family members and above all, her husband. This hide and seek creates many challenging and interesting situations which are dealt with a light-hearted treatment. Simar's little sister and her aunty like watching serials but they can't watch because their father locks the TV when he goes to his work, so they watch their neighbour Rohan's TV from their window. Rohan likes Roli, but she doesn't give him any lift. Still Rohan helps her and Buaji every single time with whatever they need him to do. Simar's journey is close to the thousands of middle class girl's dreams living in small towns, aspiring for something but deprived due to their situations and circumstances.
Twist One:
Four days before Simar's audition, we find out that the AC generators that will be placed in the Auditorium will come from Simar's dad's business, therefore her father will be at the college when she gives her performance. That problem is solved by Buaji and Roli, as they suggest that Simar wear a Ghoonghat (veil) to hide her face.
Twist Two:
The day before the performance, Jamnalal's friend Devakar uncle comes to tell the family that a marriage proposal has come for Simar. They are famous sweet shop owners from Delhi and they are coming to see Simar the next day (the day of the audition). Now Simar is heartbroken and Roli and Buaji are in deep thought on how to get Simar to the audition and back home before the Ladkewale arrive. After some persuasion Simar and her mum agree that Simar should go to the audition. She goes and gets ready to perform. According to Buaji's plan Rohan and Roli would go to receive the boy's family and bring them back to Jamnalal's house after taking as many detours and delaying them as much as they could. But when the two get to the Hotel they are told that the Delhi people have already left. They eventually find them and take them all across Brindavan, to the local Krishna temple, a chat wala and handicrafts shop, all in the name of delaying them from getting to the house. Jamnalal became worried that it was taking them so long to come home so he went looking for them, found them and took them home. Because Simar was still at the college they couldn't bring Simar out to show them, after a long long wait Simar finally did her audition. ShahRukh Khan who was present at the audition said it was the best so far, as did all the other judges. Simar also got a Photo taken with SRK, then returned home and quietly snuck into her room by climbing a ladder. She went to meet the boys family and they talked to her nicely. Mataji, the head of the house asked her to cook kheer (rice pudding). But in the kitchen the sugar fell so Simar had to use gud (jaggery) instead. everyone tasted the kheer and enjoyed it. Mata ji pretended not to like it because of the delay that Simar had caused in coming in the first place. Then they left saying that they will let them know in a few days if they like Simar or not.
Twist Three:
The next day in the local newspaper, Simar's photo with SRK was printed on the front page. To hide this fact from Jamnalal, Buaji asked Roli Togo and buy all of the newspapers in the local shop. She did and told her father that all of the newspapers had been sold out when he asked. She had given the papers to Rohan and told him to get rid of them, but as he was walking he tripped anf the papers spilt in front of Jamnalal, Rohan told him that they were old newspapers that he needed for the GK test at school. later that morning Rohan turned up to Roli's house with that days newspaper and told her father that he had brought a paper for him, Roli, Buaji, Simar, Gautam and Simar's maa (Meena) got really scared, they thought that their secret would be exposed but it turned out that Rohan had very cleverly, exchanged the face of Simar in the Photo with some other girl. So now everyone was happy.
Twist Four:
In Delhi on the other hand the boy's family was discussing the fate of their son Prem and Simar. Mataji held a poll for who would be the best girl for Prem... Simar or one of the three girls who had been suggested by three of the other Daughter-in-laws of the house. Simar was voted by all. Meanwhile at the diwedi house, Simar has just found out that she has been selected by Chak Dhoom Dhoom to go on to the next round of the competition. Now she is in a big problem. Simar is encouraged by her sister and Buaji that she should continue her dream of being a dancer but she is not so sure as the last time she did what she wanted to (the day the boy's family was coming to see her) she had put her family in a lot of trouble and hurt her father immensely therefore she didn't want to recommit her mistake but her Buaji explains to her that this is not the time to think too much, if the boy's family agrees to the relation then it is good, if not then there will be many more proposals yet to come and that will take time so in the meanwhile Simar should continue her dream and live for herself.
Twist Five:
Simar decides to participate the second time... this time the round is held in Delhi... Simar's bua tells Jamna that she wished to go on a teerth yatra (pilgrimage) with Simar and Roli, but this is only an excuse to go to Delhi. Meanwhile Prem, his chachi and his Bhabhis are wanting to meet with Simar and her Family, so they go to Vrindavan while Simar and the rest are on their way to Delhi. When they reach Simar's house they find out that Simar has gone on teerth, so they all return home disappointed. In Delhi, Simar is getting ready to dance in the second round. Roli is hungry so heads down to the hall to get some food. There she falls into an argument with the serving hands, the head caterer comes to see what the problem is... and it is revealed that the catering was done by Daddoji Halwai's restaurant (Prem's family business). Roli begins talking to Prem' eldest brother, Sattu, without realising who he is. But then Prem arrives and when she sees him Roli realises who it is and runs away leaving the food as well as her water bottle on the table. They enter the auditorium as Simar is about to perform, Prem goes looking for the Roli to return her water Bottle and enters the auditorium just as Simar's name is called. Simar does her performance and Prem sees everything. Roli and bua see Prem standing there watching Simar and get scared that he might tell his family. The next day Simar calls Prem as asks him to come to the temple to meet her. There she tells him everything about her hobby and why she had to lie to her family. Prem tells her that he hates people who lie and that a relationship such as marriage cannot begin with a lie. Bua and Roli also come to try and explain their actions to Prem but are unsuccessful. Simar et al. return to Vrindavan scared that Prem might refuse the rishta and tell everyone the truth. A few days later Prem and his chacha-chachi come to see Simar. Prem asks to talk to Simar privately but Jamna refuses, he says that it is not correct for a boy and girl to see each other privately before marriage but everyone persuades him that its ok. He agrees as long as an adult accompanies them... so bua goes with them but then leaves them when they arrive up stairs. Prem tells Simar how angry he was when he saw her dancing, he tells her that he wanted to cancel the wedding and tell everyone the truth but didn't because Simar told him the truth after the dance. He asks her which is more important for her, her dance or her wedding, then asks her to promise him that she will never dance again. She promises and he gives her his mother's kade (bracelets) as shagun and leaves. On the way out he tells her he will call her. Just before he left he again indicated to her to call. Simar waits impatiently for his call but their impatience is not relieved till the next day.
Twist Six:
Life goes on and the wedding is fixed and set. Mataji has a request that the wedding should be held in Delhi rather than Vrindavan. When this is told to Jamnalal he is disappointed and feels his self esteem has been hurt... but everyone else persuades him that Mataji is right and they all agree to Mataji's request, but on the condition that all expenses should be paid by the girl's family. They go to Delhi for all the rasmein (wedding rituals) as well as the wedding. All the Rituals are planned and a day and time set.
Twist Seven:
Its the day of the wedding and over the last few days Hitchki has been harassing and blackmailing Simar, Buaji and oli that he will tell Simar's sasural the truth of her dancing in Chak Dhoom Dhoom, if she didn't dance in the finals. The finals are on at the same time as Simar's wedding. Simar doesn't want to dance as she knows it can cause lots of problems to her family and her sasural if people were to know of her dancing. She, Buaji and Roli try their best to stop Hitchki but are unsuccessful and so give in. Simar goes to Chak Dhoom Dhoom thinking she will be back before the mohrat and so in the meanwhile Roli takes her place as the bride wearing the bridal clothing and jewellery while her sister is gone. She wears a goonghat so people don't know it is her. There are many times she nearly gets caught but somehow gets saved. The only people to know of this is Hitchki, Simar, Roli and Buaji. Later the mohrat is changed from 8 p.m. to 7 p.m. Buaji and Roli get scared and try to contact Simar to tell her to come back, but Hitchki picks up the phone. Buaji tells him to bring back Simar because the mohrats changed but Hitchki pretends he cant hear her and cuts the phone. Simar later on dials Buaji and finds out that the mohrat is for 7 p.m. and to come home immediately. On the way the van breaks down. Meanwhile on stage Roli is getting scared as everyone is eager to see her face. Simar rings Buaji from a P.C.O. and tells her that the van is broken, so Buaji tells her she will collect her. But after the phone call Simar walks a little bit ahead to where the road is closed. Suddenly a fire is started. And Simar tries to get through. She does so with the help of her bua. Meanwhile at the mandap everyone is waiting for the bride to come to the mandap as by now Roli pretends to be ill and goes to her room till Buaji comes back with Simar. Suddenly the window downstairs opens because of the wind and blows out the fire. In the end Roli's mother and Mataji come to take Simar to the mandap. the marriage vows are read, the phere's are completed and sindoor in filled into Roli's maang. Simar and bua tune up just as Prem is tying the mangal sutra around Roli's neck. No one still realises that Roli is under the ghoonghat and not Simar hence Roli ends up getting married to Prem. Roli and Prem take everyone's blessing after which Roli actually faints, bua takes her into the room saying she is ill and needs to rest. In the room all three cry and Simar asks Roli for forgiveness. Then bua tells them that the truth about the wedding needs to remain with the three only. Simar goes to tell the truth to her parents but heard them talking about how proud they are and cannot get herself able to. They return to the room where Simar changes into the bridal attire and is taken to bidaai.
Twist Eight:
Before Prem and Simar are taken to her Sasural, Mataji says that Roli should also go with them as it is a ritual that the bride's sister accompanies her to the sasural for a few days till the bride is able to settle into her new home. Roli is very distressed about this as she will have to face her fate each and every day seeing Prem and Simar. But Buaji persuades her that it is only for a few days that she is going and it will all be fine after a while. When Prem and Simar sit in the car, Roli is about to sit with them when Prem's Bhabhis stop her saying that she should let the newly wedded couple sit by themselves bt Prem intervenes saying that if Roli was with them then Simar would feel more comfortable.
Twist Nine:
When they reach her Sasural and Simar is welcomed by her in-laws she is distressed as all the rituals she is doing are supposed to be Roli's right that she feels she is taking away those rights from her sister. When Roli, cherry and they bhabhis go into Prem's room to decorate it for suhaag raat cherry finds the letter that Simar had sent for him asking him permission to go for Dance comp, which he had not seen at the time. Cherry mistakes it as an important work paper and puts it into Prem's file. On that night of the wedding Simar trys to tell Prem the truth about the wedding but is unsuccessful as Prem is required to leave urgently for an important meeting. That night Roli sleeps with Simar and tries to persuade her not to tell the truth. In the morning Simar decides not to wear her mangal sutra or fill her maang with sindoor as she doesn't see herself as a married woman. Simar's mother -in-law comes into the room and sees Simar without her Mangal Sutra, she tells Simar that it is very important for her to wear her mangal sutra and to never repeat that mistake again. When Prem returns, they all go to the Temple room to pray to the family God (Kul Devi) and Simar sings Aarti at which everyone is very happy except Prem's chachi and bhabhis. When Simar goes to take blessing from Mataji, Mataji sees her empty maang and is very angry. She says that a suhagan's (married woman's) maag should never be empty. At this Prem takes all the blame on himself saying that if it is Simar's fault it is equally his own as he and Simar are one. Saying that if he committed the mistake then he only will fix it, Prem takes the Sindoor box from the pooja thaali and goes to fill Simar's maang, but at the last second, Simar takes the Sindoor from his fingers and fills her maang herself.
|- bgcolor="#B0C4DE" align="center"
! Cast !! Character !!
| colspan="3"|Main Characters
| Deepika Samson || Simar Prem Bharadwaj || Female Lead
| Shoaib Ibrahim ||Prem Bharadwaj || Male Lead
| Manish Raisinghani
||Siddhant Bharadwaj || Parallel Male Lead And Antagonist
| Avika Gor
|| Roli Jamna Lal Dwivedi || Parallel Female Lead Simars's Sister
| colspan="3"|Secondary Characters
Role:Jamna lal Dwivedi
Jamna lal Dwivedi, a short tempered disciplinarian, autocratic father of Simar
Role:Rajjo Bua
Rajjo Bua, who is a great support to Simar and balances the power in the house.
Alka is Simar's mother and has lived under her husband's commands.
Role:Prem's Mother
Role:Prem's Bhabhi
Role:Nirmala Bhardwaj
She heads the family, is a stickler and has grey shades.
Role:Gautam Jamna Lal Dwivedi
Role:Rajendar Bharadwaj
Role:Sankalp Bhardwaj
Role:Suryendar Bharadwaj
Role:Karuna Suryendar Bharadwaj
Intro:This story of 'Sasural Simar Ka' is the journey of an ordinary young small town girl, Simar (Deepika Samson), who has grown up in her middle class family, under her father's strict discipline and is well prepared to continue living under her husband's shadow in future. She loves her father a lot and vice versa, whose teachings have enriched her with strong values and rooted her deep in culture. But her simple sounding story takes a sharp turn when her dreams and discipline of middle class come face to face. Her passion for dancing and peer pressure induces her to enroll in a dance competition. She starts chasing her dream without letting both her father and her Sasural people know about it, with support from some family members and above all, her husband. This hide and seek creates many challenging and interesting situations which are dealt with a light-hearted treatment. Simar's little sister and her aunty like watching serials but they can't watch because their father locks the TV when he goes to his work, so they watch their neighbour Rohan's TV from their window. Rohan likes Roli, but she doesn't give him any lift. Still Rohan helps her and Buaji every single time with whatever they need him to do. Simar's journey is close to the thousands of middle class girl's dreams living in small towns, aspiring for something but deprived due to their situations and circumstances.
Twist One:
Four days before Simar's audition, we find out that the AC generators that will be placed in the Auditorium will come from Simar's dad's business, therefore her father will be at the college when she gives her performance. That problem is solved by Buaji and Roli, as they suggest that Simar wear a Ghoonghat (veil) to hide her face.
Twist Two:
The day before the performance, Jamnalal's friend Devakar uncle comes to tell the family that a marriage proposal has come for Simar. They are famous sweet shop owners from Delhi and they are coming to see Simar the next day (the day of the audition). Now Simar is heartbroken and Roli and Buaji are in deep thought on how to get Simar to the audition and back home before the Ladkewale arrive. After some persuasion Simar and her mum agree that Simar should go to the audition. She goes and gets ready to perform. According to Buaji's plan Rohan and Roli would go to receive the boy's family and bring them back to Jamnalal's house after taking as many detours and delaying them as much as they could. But when the two get to the Hotel they are told that the Delhi people have already left. They eventually find them and take them all across Brindavan, to the local Krishna temple, a chat wala and handicrafts shop, all in the name of delaying them from getting to the house. Jamnalal became worried that it was taking them so long to come home so he went looking for them, found them and took them home. Because Simar was still at the college they couldn't bring Simar out to show them, after a long long wait Simar finally did her audition. ShahRukh Khan who was present at the audition said it was the best so far, as did all the other judges. Simar also got a Photo taken with SRK, then returned home and quietly snuck into her room by climbing a ladder. She went to meet the boys family and they talked to her nicely. Mataji, the head of the house asked her to cook kheer (rice pudding). But in the kitchen the sugar fell so Simar had to use gud (jaggery) instead. everyone tasted the kheer and enjoyed it. Mata ji pretended not to like it because of the delay that Simar had caused in coming in the first place. Then they left saying that they will let them know in a few days if they like Simar or not.
Twist Three:
The next day in the local newspaper, Simar's photo with SRK was printed on the front page. To hide this fact from Jamnalal, Buaji asked Roli Togo and buy all of the newspapers in the local shop. She did and told her father that all of the newspapers had been sold out when he asked. She had given the papers to Rohan and told him to get rid of them, but as he was walking he tripped anf the papers spilt in front of Jamnalal, Rohan told him that they were old newspapers that he needed for the GK test at school. later that morning Rohan turned up to Roli's house with that days newspaper and told her father that he had brought a paper for him, Roli, Buaji, Simar, Gautam and Simar's maa (Meena) got really scared, they thought that their secret would be exposed but it turned out that Rohan had very cleverly, exchanged the face of Simar in the Photo with some other girl. So now everyone was happy.
Twist Four:
In Delhi on the other hand the boy's family was discussing the fate of their son Prem and Simar. Mataji held a poll for who would be the best girl for Prem... Simar or one of the three girls who had been suggested by three of the other Daughter-in-laws of the house. Simar was voted by all. Meanwhile at the diwedi house, Simar has just found out that she has been selected by Chak Dhoom Dhoom to go on to the next round of the competition. Now she is in a big problem. Simar is encouraged by her sister and Buaji that she should continue her dream of being a dancer but she is not so sure as the last time she did what she wanted to (the day the boy's family was coming to see her) she had put her family in a lot of trouble and hurt her father immensely therefore she didn't want to recommit her mistake but her Buaji explains to her that this is not the time to think too much, if the boy's family agrees to the relation then it is good, if not then there will be many more proposals yet to come and that will take time so in the meanwhile Simar should continue her dream and live for herself.
Twist Five:
Simar decides to participate the second time... this time the round is held in Delhi... Simar's bua tells Jamna that she wished to go on a teerth yatra (pilgrimage) with Simar and Roli, but this is only an excuse to go to Delhi. Meanwhile Prem, his chachi and his Bhabhis are wanting to meet with Simar and her Family, so they go to Vrindavan while Simar and the rest are on their way to Delhi. When they reach Simar's house they find out that Simar has gone on teerth, so they all return home disappointed. In Delhi, Simar is getting ready to dance in the second round. Roli is hungry so heads down to the hall to get some food. There she falls into an argument with the serving hands, the head caterer comes to see what the problem is... and it is revealed that the catering was done by Daddoji Halwai's restaurant (Prem's family business). Roli begins talking to Prem' eldest brother, Sattu, without realising who he is. But then Prem arrives and when she sees him Roli realises who it is and runs away leaving the food as well as her water bottle on the table. They enter the auditorium as Simar is about to perform, Prem goes looking for the Roli to return her water Bottle and enters the auditorium just as Simar's name is called. Simar does her performance and Prem sees everything. Roli and bua see Prem standing there watching Simar and get scared that he might tell his family. The next day Simar calls Prem as asks him to come to the temple to meet her. There she tells him everything about her hobby and why she had to lie to her family. Prem tells her that he hates people who lie and that a relationship such as marriage cannot begin with a lie. Bua and Roli also come to try and explain their actions to Prem but are unsuccessful. Simar et al. return to Vrindavan scared that Prem might refuse the rishta and tell everyone the truth. A few days later Prem and his chacha-chachi come to see Simar. Prem asks to talk to Simar privately but Jamna refuses, he says that it is not correct for a boy and girl to see each other privately before marriage but everyone persuades him that its ok. He agrees as long as an adult accompanies them... so bua goes with them but then leaves them when they arrive up stairs. Prem tells Simar how angry he was when he saw her dancing, he tells her that he wanted to cancel the wedding and tell everyone the truth but didn't because Simar told him the truth after the dance. He asks her which is more important for her, her dance or her wedding, then asks her to promise him that she will never dance again. She promises and he gives her his mother's kade (bracelets) as shagun and leaves. On the way out he tells her he will call her. Just before he left he again indicated to her to call. Simar waits impatiently for his call but their impatience is not relieved till the next day.
Twist Six:
Life goes on and the wedding is fixed and set. Mataji has a request that the wedding should be held in Delhi rather than Vrindavan. When this is told to Jamnalal he is disappointed and feels his self esteem has been hurt... but everyone else persuades him that Mataji is right and they all agree to Mataji's request, but on the condition that all expenses should be paid by the girl's family. They go to Delhi for all the rasmein (wedding rituals) as well as the wedding. All the Rituals are planned and a day and time set.
Twist Seven:
Its the day of the wedding and over the last few days Hitchki has been harassing and blackmailing Simar, Buaji and oli that he will tell Simar's sasural the truth of her dancing in Chak Dhoom Dhoom, if she didn't dance in the finals. The finals are on at the same time as Simar's wedding. Simar doesn't want to dance as she knows it can cause lots of problems to her family and her sasural if people were to know of her dancing. She, Buaji and Roli try their best to stop Hitchki but are unsuccessful and so give in. Simar goes to Chak Dhoom Dhoom thinking she will be back before the mohrat and so in the meanwhile Roli takes her place as the bride wearing the bridal clothing and jewellery while her sister is gone. She wears a goonghat so people don't know it is her. There are many times she nearly gets caught but somehow gets saved. The only people to know of this is Hitchki, Simar, Roli and Buaji. Later the mohrat is changed from 8 p.m. to 7 p.m. Buaji and Roli get scared and try to contact Simar to tell her to come back, but Hitchki picks up the phone. Buaji tells him to bring back Simar because the mohrats changed but Hitchki pretends he cant hear her and cuts the phone. Simar later on dials Buaji and finds out that the mohrat is for 7 p.m. and to come home immediately. On the way the van breaks down. Meanwhile on stage Roli is getting scared as everyone is eager to see her face. Simar rings Buaji from a P.C.O. and tells her that the van is broken, so Buaji tells her she will collect her. But after the phone call Simar walks a little bit ahead to where the road is closed. Suddenly a fire is started. And Simar tries to get through. She does so with the help of her bua. Meanwhile at the mandap everyone is waiting for the bride to come to the mandap as by now Roli pretends to be ill and goes to her room till Buaji comes back with Simar. Suddenly the window downstairs opens because of the wind and blows out the fire. In the end Roli's mother and Mataji come to take Simar to the mandap. the marriage vows are read, the phere's are completed and sindoor in filled into Roli's maang. Simar and bua tune up just as Prem is tying the mangal sutra around Roli's neck. No one still realises that Roli is under the ghoonghat and not Simar hence Roli ends up getting married to Prem. Roli and Prem take everyone's blessing after which Roli actually faints, bua takes her into the room saying she is ill and needs to rest. In the room all three cry and Simar asks Roli for forgiveness. Then bua tells them that the truth about the wedding needs to remain with the three only. Simar goes to tell the truth to her parents but heard them talking about how proud they are and cannot get herself able to. They return to the room where Simar changes into the bridal attire and is taken to bidaai.
Twist Eight:
Before Prem and Simar are taken to her Sasural, Mataji says that Roli should also go with them as it is a ritual that the bride's sister accompanies her to the sasural for a few days till the bride is able to settle into her new home. Roli is very distressed about this as she will have to face her fate each and every day seeing Prem and Simar. But Buaji persuades her that it is only for a few days that she is going and it will all be fine after a while. When Prem and Simar sit in the car, Roli is about to sit with them when Prem's Bhabhis stop her saying that she should let the newly wedded couple sit by themselves bt Prem intervenes saying that if Roli was with them then Simar would feel more comfortable.
Twist Nine:
When they reach her Sasural and Simar is welcomed by her in-laws she is distressed as all the rituals she is doing are supposed to be Roli's right that she feels she is taking away those rights from her sister. When Roli, cherry and they bhabhis go into Prem's room to decorate it for suhaag raat cherry finds the letter that Simar had sent for him asking him permission to go for Dance comp, which he had not seen at the time. Cherry mistakes it as an important work paper and puts it into Prem's file. On that night of the wedding Simar trys to tell Prem the truth about the wedding but is unsuccessful as Prem is required to leave urgently for an important meeting. That night Roli sleeps with Simar and tries to persuade her not to tell the truth. In the morning Simar decides not to wear her mangal sutra or fill her maang with sindoor as she doesn't see herself as a married woman. Simar's mother -in-law comes into the room and sees Simar without her Mangal Sutra, she tells Simar that it is very important for her to wear her mangal sutra and to never repeat that mistake again. When Prem returns, they all go to the Temple room to pray to the family God (Kul Devi) and Simar sings Aarti at which everyone is very happy except Prem's chachi and bhabhis. When Simar goes to take blessing from Mataji, Mataji sees her empty maang and is very angry. She says that a suhagan's (married woman's) maag should never be empty. At this Prem takes all the blame on himself saying that if it is Simar's fault it is equally his own as he and Simar are one. Saying that if he committed the mistake then he only will fix it, Prem takes the Sindoor box from the pooja thaali and goes to fill Simar's maang, but at the last second, Simar takes the Sindoor from his fingers and fills her maang herself.
Cast & Characters
{| border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 90%;"|- bgcolor="#B0C4DE" align="center"
! Cast !! Character !!
| colspan="3"|
| Deepika Samson || Simar Prem Bharadwaj || Female Lead
| Shoaib Ibrahim ||Prem Bharadwaj || Male Lead
| Manish Raisinghani
Manish Raisinghani
Manish Raisinghania is an Indian TV star, having risen to popularity portraying Sameer in the television show Teen Bahuraniyaan. Prior to his acting career, Raisinghania was a successful model, who also did well at the Grasim Mr. India contest in 2002, placing fourth overall and taking three...
||Siddhant Bharadwaj || Parallel Male Lead And Antagonist
| Avika Gor
Avika Gor
Avika Gor is an Indian Television child actor, famous for playing Anandi in the show Balika Vadhu.- Filmography :Avika Gor is an Indian Television child actor, famous for playing Anandi in the show Balika Vadhu.- Filmography :...
|| Roli Jamna Lal Dwivedi || Parallel Female Lead Simars's Sister
| colspan="3"|
- Pankaj DheerPankaj DheerPankaj Dheer is an Indian television and film actor originally from Punjab. His best known role was as Karna in epic TV series, Mahabharata , which became a famous Indian television series, and as Shivdutt in Chandrakanta...
Role:Jamna lal Dwivedi
Jamna lal Dwivedi, a short tempered disciplinarian, autocratic father of Simar
- Himani ShivpuriHimani ShivpuriHimani Shivpuri, is Indian, film, theatre and television actress, who is most known for her role in Sooraj R. Barjatya's film Hum Aapke Hain Koun...! , and as 'Devki Bhojai' in TV serial Humrahi .- Biography :...
Role:Rajjo Bua
Rajjo Bua, who is a great support to Simar and balances the power in the house.
- Jaya Ojha
Alka is Simar's mother and has lived under her husband's commands.
- Nishigandha WadNishigandha WadDr. Nishigandha Wad is an acclaimed Marathi film actor who has acted in Hindi films and in Hindi and Marathi serials. She started acting in commercial cinema around 1989–90 and has acted in more than 100 films....
Role:Prem's Mother
- Snehal Sahay
Role:Prem's Bhabhi
- VishalVishalVishal may refer to:* Vishal , a common given Indian name, from Hindi/ Sanskrit, meaning massive, pertaining to dimensions and hence strength.People:* Vishal Arora, Indian journalist* Vishal Bhardwaj, Indian music composer...
- Jayati Bhatia
Role:Nirmala Bhardwaj
She heads the family, is a stickler and has grey shades.
- Rakshit
Role:Gautam Jamna Lal Dwivedi
- Adarsh Gautam
Role:Rajendar Bharadwaj
- Abhishek Sharma
Role:Sankalp Bhardwaj
- Jitendra Trehan
- Ashiesh Roy
Role:Suryendar Bharadwaj
- Janvi Vora
Role:Karuna Suryendar Bharadwaj