Sarbjit Cheema
Sarbjit Cheema was born on June 14 at village Cheema Kalan (Jalandhar).HIs Mother name is Harbhajan Kaur and father S. Piyara singh Cheema. He is the youngest of the three siblings. From childhood, Cheema was fond of village games like Kabaddi, Hockey, Football, Athletics, High jump and long jump. In his childhood he used to sing at family functions. He took his elementary education from his village and completed his matriculation from G.H.S. Nurmahal. At school Cheema was the captain of school hockey team. For higher studies, Cheema joined Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar. He joined the bhangra team of the college and won several prizes at College level, University level and Punjab level After completing his graduation in History, Cheema went to 'CANADA'.
Cheema's elder brother Amarjit Singh and his wife Anudeep Cheema are settled in America and has two siblings Ashmine and Angelparteek Cheema, Amarjit loves Cheema like his son. Cheema's Bother-in-Law Balwinder Sandhu & sister Jaswinder kaur Sandhu is living in Canada with her husband and has two daughters gaganjot And Amritjot.
Cheema got married to Kamaljit on 28 February, this day has an important role in his life. God blessed Cheema with two sons Gurvarparteek Singh cheema and Sukhmanparteek Singh cheema. In Canada, Cheema met Balraj Bassi who was highly impressed by Cheema's talent after hearing the performance of Cheema at a function. Balraj Bassi being a Music Guru, Cheema expressed his desire to learn music from him. Balraj Bassi gave Music training to Cheema. Cheema has also learnt form B. S.Narang and respects him and his great musical talent.
Balraj Bassi and B. S.Narang are the two Ustaad’s who have been immensely helpful To his musical career. Cheema’s biggest dream came true when his first album was released by TPM in 1993. People of Punjab and Punjabi folk Music lover’s applauded Cheema and his music. Subsequently every year a new album was released.
Cheema's hobbies are learning more Music, Reading books, and routine exercise. Cheema likes to work hard, make good friends, stay at home and spend time with his family. Cheema dislikes people who maintain double standards.