Samantha Siddall
Samantha Siddall is an English actress, best known for playing Mandy Maguire in Shameless
Shameless is a British television drama series set in Manchester on the fictional Chatsworth council estate. Produced by Company Pictures for Channel 4, the first seven-episode series aired weekly on Tuesday nights at 10pm from 13 January 2004...

from 2004–2009, a role she briefly reprised for an episode in 2011. She has previously appeared in Holby City
Holby City
Holby City, stylised as Holby Ci+y, is a British medical drama television series that airs weekly on BBC One.The series was created by Tony McHale and Mal Young as a spin-off from the established BBC medical drama Casualty, and premiered on 12 January 1999...

, Bodies
Bodies (TV series)
Bodies is a BAFTA-nominated British television medical drama produced by Hat Trick Productions for the BBC. Created by Jed Mercurio, the series began in 2004 and is based on his book Bodies. The first series debuted on BBC Three as the channel at this time was trying to break out into hour-long...

, Doctors
Doctors (BBC Soap Opera)
Doctors is a British daytime television soap opera, set in the fictional Midland town of Letherbridge, defined as being close to the City of Birmingham. It was created by Chris Murray; Mal Young drove its development, and Carson Black was the original producer. The first episode was broadcast on...

, Cutting It
Cutting It
Cutting It was a popular BBC television programme set in Manchester, England, which ran for four series between 2002 and 2005.- Series 1 :...

and Jane Eyre.

She was a member of the Pantonic Allstars Steel Band.

Samantha lives in the Dane Bank area of Denton, Greater Manchester
Denton, Greater Manchester
Denton is a town within the Metropolitan Borough of Tameside, in Greater Manchester, England. It is five miles to the east of Manchester city centre, and has a population of 26,866....

. She attended Egerton Park Arts College
Egerton Park Arts College
Egerton Park Arts College was a comprehensive school for boys and girl aged 11–16. Its address was Egerton Street, Denton, Tameside, Greater Manchester, M34 3PB.-History:...

 in the same town. She graduated from the University of Salford
University of Salford
The University of Salford is a campus university based in Salford, Greater Manchester, England with approximately 20,000 registered students. The main campus is about west of Manchester city centre, on the A6, opposite the former home of the physicist, James Prescott Joule and the Working Class...

 with a BA in Performing Arts
Performing arts
The performing arts are those forms art which differ from the plastic arts insofar as the former uses the artist's own body, face, and presence as a medium, and the latter uses materials such as clay, metal or paint which can be molded or transformed to create some physical art object...

 in 2003.

She is currently teaching acting at Mid-Cheshire College
Mid Cheshire College
Mid Cheshire College is a further education college. Its main campus is in the village of Hartford, Cheshire. John Reilly is the college principal. He joined the college in 2002 after leaving the Tameside College in East Manchester where he was Director of Development...


External links

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