Jat Clan: Sajanke
Distribution Punjab (Pakistan)
Punjab (Pakistan)
Punjab is the most populous province of Pakistan, with approximately 45% of the country's total population. Forming most of the Punjab region, the province is bordered by Kashmir to the north-east, the Indian states of Punjab and Rajasthan to the east, the Pakistani province of Sindh to the...

Descended from: Chadhar
Chadhar is a Punjabi tribe in India and Pakistan. They are both Rajputs and Jats, and are Aryan.This caste should not be confused with another Indian caste spelled similarly, which is found in Madhya Pardesh India and is amongst one of the Indian Scheduled Caste...

Religion: Islam
Islam . The most common are and .   : Arabic pronunciation varies regionally. The first vowel ranges from ~~. The second vowel ranges from ~~~...

Languages Punjabi
Punjabi language
Punjabi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by inhabitants of the historical Punjab region . For Sikhs, the Punjabi language stands as the official language in which all ceremonies take place. In Pakistan, Punjabi is the most widely spoken language...

 and Jhangochi
Jhangochi is the oldest and most conservative dialect of the Punjabi language. Jaangli,Jhangvi,Chenavri,Changvi and Rachnavi are alternate names of this dialect. It is spoken throughout a widespread area, starting from Khanewal and Jhang at both ends of Ravi River and Chenab River to Gujranwala...

Surnames: Sajanke

Sajanke are a clan of the Chadhar
Chadhar is a Punjabi tribe in India and Pakistan. They are both Rajputs and Jats, and are Aryan.This caste should not be confused with another Indian caste spelled similarly, which is found in Madhya Pardesh India and is amongst one of the Indian Scheduled Caste...

 tribe, found in the Punjab region
Punjab region
The Punjab , also spelled Panjab |water]]s"), is a geographical region straddling the border between Pakistan and India which includes Punjab province in Pakistan and the states of the Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh and some northern parts of the National Capital Territory of Delhi...

 of Pakistan
Pakistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a sovereign state in South Asia. It has a coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast. In the north, Tajikistan...



They are named after their ancestor Sajjan
Sajjan Lahore was a Punjabi newspaper published from Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. It was the first Punjabi daily newspaper to be published in Pakistan....

. They are also a sub clan or gotra
In the Hindu society, the term Gotra broadly refers to people who are descendants in an unbroken male line from a common male ancestor. Panini defines gotra for grammatical purposes as apatyam pautraprabhrti gotram , which means "the word gotra denotes the progeny beginning with the son's son"...

 of Chadhar
Chadhar is a Punjabi tribe in India and Pakistan. They are both Rajputs and Jats, and are Aryan.This caste should not be confused with another Indian caste spelled similarly, which is found in Madhya Pardesh India and is amongst one of the Indian Scheduled Caste...

 clan. Their main village is at left bank of river Chenab near Khiwa Mahni and is named as Sajjan Ka Chak in Sandal Bar
Sandal Bar
The Sandal Bar is a region between the rivers Chenab and Ravi in Punjab, Pakistan. It is located in the Rechna Doab. It spreads over almost 80 km in width and 40 km in length . "Bar", in the local language, means a forested area where there are no resources for cultivation, like water...


See also

  • Chadhar
    Chadhar is a Punjabi tribe in India and Pakistan. They are both Rajputs and Jats, and are Aryan.This caste should not be confused with another Indian caste spelled similarly, which is found in Madhya Pardesh India and is amongst one of the Indian Scheduled Caste...

  • Sheikhan
    Sheikhan City is situated in District Chiniot in Punjab province of Pakistan.-Southern side:The village Sheikhan is situated in some distance about 2.5 km from the right bank of river Chenab in Utar region which flows in south east of village...

  • Talhi Mangini
    Talhi Mangini
    Talhi Mangini is a town of Bhawana City, tehsil of Chiniot District in Punjab, province of Pakistan. It is located at left bank of river Chenab.- Intoduction :...

  • Teja Berwala
    Teja Berwala
    Taja Berwala is a town of Bhawana Tehsil in the Chiniot District of Punjab province, Pakistan. It is located at left bank of the river Chenab....

  • Mirza Sahiba
    Mirza Sahiba
    Mirza Sahiba is one of the four popular tragic romances of the Punjab. Heer Ranjha and Mirza Sahiba, including Sohni Mahiwal and Sassi Punnun are the four tales from Punjab, narrated in Punjabi...

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