Sailing at the 1964 Summer Olympics – Dragon
The Dragon
Dragon (keelboat)
thumbThe International Dragon is a one-design keelboat.The Dragon was designed by Norwegian Johan Anker in 1929. In 1948 the Dragon became an Olympic Class, a status it retained until the Munich Olympics in 1972...

was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1964 Summer Olympics
Sailing at the 1964 Summer Olympics
Sailing/Yachting is a Olympic sport starting from the Games of the 1st Olympiad Sailing/Yachting is a Olympic sport starting from the Games of the 1st Olympiad Sailing/Yachting is a Olympic sport starting from the Games of the 1st Olympiad (1896 Olympics in Athens Greece. With the exception of 1904...

 program in Enoshima
is a small island, about 4 km in circumference, at the mouth of the Katase River, which flows into Sagami Bay in Japan. Part of the city of Fujisawa, it is linked to the Katase section of the same city on the mainland by a 600 meter-long bridge...

. Seven races were scheduled. 69 sailors, on 23 boats, from 23 nations competed.


Helmsman (Country) Crew Yachtname Sail No. Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
align=left |align=left|Christian von Bulow
Christian von Bülow
Christian von Bülow is a Danish sailor and Olympic champion. He competed at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, where he received a gold medal in the dragon class with the boat White Lady, together with crew members Ole Berntsen and Ole Poulsen. He received a silver medal at the 1956 Summer...

Ole Poulsen
Ole Poulsen
Ole Poulsen is a Danish sailor and Olympic champion. He competed at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, where he received a gold medal in the dragon class with the boat White Lady, together with crew members Ole Berntsen and Christian von Bülow.-References:...

White Lady D
1 1463 16 259 4 861 10 463 3 986 1 1463 7 618 6113 5854
align=left |align=left|Ulrich Mense 
Wilfred Lorenz 
Mutafo GO
8 560 10 463 7 618 1 1463 2 1162 4 861 2 1162 6289 5826
align=left |align=left|Charles Rogers
Charles Rogers (sailor)
Charles Rogers is an American competitive sailor and Olympic medalist. He won a bronze medal in the Dragon class at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, together with Lowell North and Richard Deaver.-References:...

Richard Deaver
Richard Deaver
Richard Deaver is an American competitive sailor and Olympic medalist. He won a bronze medal in the Dragon class at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, together with Lowell North and Charles Rogers.-References:...

Aphrodite US
3 986 5 764 1 1463 3 986 8 560 5 764 8 560 6083 5523
4 align=left |align=left|Jeremy David Harris 
Peter John Chorley Reade 
Andromeda K
5 764 1 1463 9 508 2 1162 9 508 6 685 18 207 5297 5090
5 align=left |align=left|Eugene Scott Simmons 
Conrad Paul Soares 
Oleander XII KB
19 184 8 560 5 764 6 685 1 1463 2 1162 11 421 5239 5055
6 align=left |align=left|Sergio Furlan 
Annibale Pelaschiar 
Argeste I
2 1162 11 421 3 986 13 349 6 685 7 618 5 764 4985 4636
7 align=left |align=left|Basil Kelly 
Robert Eardley 
Guanahani BA
16 259 13 349 13 349 4 861 5 764 9 508 1 1463 4553 4294
8 align=left |align=left|Georgios Zaimis
Georgios Zaimis
Georgios Zaimis is a Greek sailor and Olympic Champion. He competed at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome and won a gold medal in the Dragon class with the boat Nirefs. He finished 8th at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.-References:...

Thimistokles Magoulas 
Proteus II GR
13 349 2 1162 10 463 9 508 12 384 3 986 6 685 4537 4188
9 align=left |align=left|Valeri Nikolin 
Lev Alexeev 
Olen SR
6 685 9 508 2 1162 8 560 7 618 10 463 12 384 4380 3996
10 align=left |align=left|Jorge del Río Sálas
Jorge del Río Sálas
Jorge Alberto del Río Sálas is an Argentinian sailor. Born in Buenos Aires, he competed at four Olympics between 1948 and 1964....

Rodolfo Rivademar
Rodolfo Rivademar
Rodolfo Rivademar is an Argentine sailor and Olympic medalist.He was a member of the Argentine crew on Djinn that received a silver medal in the 6 metre class at the 1948 Summer Olympics in London.-References:...

Tango A
7 618 3 986 18 207 12 384 15 287 11 421 3 986 3889 3682
11 align=left |align=left|Lynn Watters 
Joseph MacBrien 
Serendipity KC
4 861 4 861 11 421 7 618 13 349 14 317 13 349 3776 3459
12 align=left |align=left|Ian Myron Quartermain 
John Malcolm Coon 
Cambria KA
9 508 12 384 6 685 DNF 101 11 421 12 384 4 861 3344 3243
13 align=left |align=left|Jan Marinus Johannes Jongkind 
Hendrik Jacobus Scholtz 
Barco Deloro H
12 384 21 141 8 560 5 764 4 861 DNF 101 9 508 3319 3218
14 align=left |align=left|Arne Settergren 
Styrbjorn John R. Holm 
Kuling S
14 317 6 685 16 259 18 207 10 463 8 560 14 317 2808 2601
15 align=left |align=left|Knut Bengtson 
Egil Normann Ly 
Monica N
11 421 14 317 12 384 11 421 14 317 18 207 19 184 2251 2067
16 align=left |align=left|Eduardo Guedes de Queiroz 
Carlos Ferreira 
Grifo IV P
10 463 19 184 14 317 16 259 DNF 101 13 349 17 232 1905 1804
17 align=left |align=left|Tadashi Funaoka 
Teruyuki Hiiro 
Miss Nippon V J
17 232 18 207 17 232 14 317 16 259 16 259 10 463 1969 1762
18 align=left |align=left|Eduardo Prieto Lopez 
Juan Frias 
Acipactli MX
DNF 101 7 618 15 287 17 232 DNF 101 17 232 20 162 1733 1632
19 align=left |align=left|William Turnbull 
Paul Coope 
Phoenix KH
15 287 17 232 19 184 19 184 DNF 101 15 287 15 287 1562 1461
20 align=left |align=left|Robert Gordon D'Alton 
Harry Maguire
Harry Maguire
Jacob Harry Maguire is an English footballer who currently plays for Sheffield United. He attended St.Mary's RC High school in Chesterfield from 2004-2009.-Playing career:...

Akatonbo IR
18 207 20 162 DNF 101 15 287 17 232 19 184 16 259 1432 1331
21 align=left |align=left|Jesus Maria Villarreal 
Feliciano Juntereal 
Kalayaan PH
21 141 15 287 DNF 101 21 141 19 184 20 162 21 141 1157 1056
22 align=left |align=left|H.R.H. Princess Birabongse  
Prateep Areerob 
Linglom TH
20 162 22 120 20 162 22 120 20 162 22 120 22 120 966 846
23 align=left |align=left|Earl Taylor 
Steven Michael Henriques 
Miss Nippon IV KJ
22 120 23 101 DNF 101 20 162 18 207 21 141 DSQ 0 832 832

DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified

= Male, = Female

Daily standings

Conditions at Enoshima

Of the total of three race areas were needed during the Olympics in Enoshima. Each of the classes was using the same scoring system. The Easterly course area was used for the Dragon.
DateRaceWeatherWind directionWind speed (m/s)
12-OCT-1964 I Cloudy ENE 0.4
13-OCT-1964 II Cloudy NNE 5.5
14-OCT-1964 III Cloudy N 12
15-OCT-1964 IV Fine N 8
19-OCT-1964 V Cloudy N 4.5
20-OCT-1964 VI Fine NNE 12
21-OCT-1964 VII Cloudy S 11
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