Sae Sok O-Gye
The Se Sok O-Gye, sometimes also referred to as just O-Gye, is the moral code of the hwarang
formulated by a Buddhist monk named Won Gwang (원광: 圓光) consisting of five rules:
The code is still used by many Korean martial artists and can be found in gyms around the world.
The Hwarang, or "Flower Boys"., were an elite group of male youth in Silla, an ancient Korean kingdom that lasted until the 10th century. There were educational institutions as well as social clubs where members gathered for all aspects of study, originally for arts and culture steeped mainly in...
formulated by a Buddhist monk named Won Gwang (원광: 圓光) consisting of five rules:
- 사군이충(나라에 충성하고) - 事君以忠 - Loyalty to the king
- 사친이효(부모님께 효도하고) - 事親以孝 - Care for one's parents
- 교우이신(믿음으로 벗을 사귀고) - 交友以信 - Trust among friends
- 임전무퇴(싸움에 나가서는 물러서지 않으며) - 臨戰無退 - Never retreat in battle
- 살생유택(살아있는 것을 함부로 죽이지 않는다) - 殺生有擇 - Kill only with purpose
The code is still used by many Korean martial artists and can be found in gyms around the world.