SOLO - The Series
SOLO: The Series is an American sci-fi, comedy
Comedy , as a popular meaning, is any humorous discourse or work generally intended to amuse by creating laughter, especially in television, film, and stand-up comedy. This must be carefully distinguished from its academic definition, namely the comic theatre, whose Western origins are found in...

 web series
Web series
A web series is a series of episodes released on the Internet or also by mobile or cellular phone, and part of the newly emerging medium called web television. A single instance of a web series program is called an episode .While the popularity of web series is continuing to rise, the concept...

 created by and starring Jonathan Nail. The first episode aired on July 6, 2010 on YouTube
YouTube is a video-sharing website, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005, on which users can upload, view and share videos....



The web series tells the saga of a very unlikely reality star, Scott Drizhal (Jonathan Nail), who is sent to Mars
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System. The planet is named after the Roman god of war, Mars. It is often described as the "Red Planet", as the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance...

 as part of a reality series created by mega-producer, Jack Spratt (Jay Caputo). 36 days into the launch, the show is canceled. Scott is now stranded in space with only the ship's smart-ass computer, PHAL9000 (Jason Burns), to keep him company. His wife, Rebecca Drizhal (Michele Boyd
Michele Boyd
Michele Catherine Boyd is an American actress best known for her recurring work as Riley on the web-series The Guild.-Personal background:...

), declares Scott legally dead while Jack's hubris lands him and show into Japanese mafia infested waters.


  • Scott Drizhal - Played by Jonathan Nail.
  • PHAL9000 - Played by Jason Burns.
  • Becks Drizhal - Played by Michele Boyd
    Michele Boyd
    Michele Catherine Boyd is an American actress best known for her recurring work as Riley on the web-series The Guild.-Personal background:...

  • Jack Spratt - Played by Jay Caputo.
  • Ratish Gupta - Played by Amol Shah.
  • Gerry Simon - Played by Melissa Dalton.


# Title Director Writer Length

External links

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