Rust (film)
Rust is a 2010 drama written and directed by Corbin Bernsen
Corbin Bernsen
Corbin Dean Bernsen is an American actor and director, known for his work on television. He is best known for his roles as divorce attorney Arnold Becker on the NBC drama series L.A. Law, and as retired police detective Henry Spencer on the USA Network comedy-drama series Psych...

, which was released direct-to-video
Direct-to-video is a term used to describe a film that has been released to the public on home video formats without being released in film theaters or broadcast on television...

 on October 5, 2010. The film takes place in the town of Kipling, Saskatchewan
Kipling, Saskatchewan
-Government:Town council members:* Mayor Kelly Kish, employee of GeeBee Construction, elected in 2009* Alderman Terry Barath, elected in 2009* Alderman Kevin Kish, employee of Marton's Auto Body, first elected in 1999 by-election...

, Canada with many local citizens in prominent roles. Rust was inspired by Bersen's own spiritual journey after his father, Harry Bernsen, died in 2008.


  • Corbin Bernsen
    Corbin Bernsen
    Corbin Dean Bernsen is an American actor and director, known for his work on television. He is best known for his roles as divorce attorney Arnold Becker on the NBC drama series L.A. Law, and as retired police detective Henry Spencer on the USA Network comedy-drama series Psych...

    as James Moore
  • Lloyd Allen Warner as Travis
  • Frank Gall as Glen Moore
  • Audrey Tennant as Mary
  • Kirsten Collins as Amanda (song Could You Imagine in the credits)
  • Judith Davies as Mrs. Wexler
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