Runtime Intelligence Service
Runtime Intelligence Service is an application instrumentation and analysis solution created and marketed by the software company PreEmptive Solutions
PreEmptive Solutions
PreEmptive Solutions is a Cleveland-based software company specializing in application protection and application analytics solutions for the .NET and Java platforms...

. Runtime Intelligence data is obtained by instrumenting .NET or Java applications using the Dotfuscator
Dotfuscator is software used for obfuscation of .NET assemblies. Among its abilities are mangling of identifier names into unreadable characters, but also changing control flow into being more unreadable at the IL-level for a human and other relatively advanced changes.Note that name mangling...

 or DashO platforms. Once injected the application sends messages to a designated endpoint for storage and subsequent analysis. The users of the instrumented software may be offered the opportunity to opt-in to transmitting the usage data, or transmission may be made mandatory as a requirement of a EULA or service agreement. This instrumentation takes place post-build, and does not carry the traditional impact on end-user performance. A light version of Runtime Intelligence
Runtime intelligence
-Introduction:The term runtime intelligence refers to technologies, managed services and practices for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of application usage levels, patterns and practices...

 functionality is included in Microsoft's Visual Studio 2010 as part of Dotfuscator Software Services CE .
The latest update to CodePlex, Microsoft’s Open Source software project hosting repository, brings integration with the Runtime Intelligence Service. Using the analytics capability of this application, CodePlex users can see information such as how many people are using the application.


Runtime Intelligence Service has three components:
  • The End Point serves as the repository for all transmitted runtime data and is the hub for interactive and programmatic access. The End Point can either be hosted by PreEmptive Solutions or can be “self-hosted” by a client organization.
  • Portal is the primary access mode for users to view dashboards, reports, and to export runtime data.
  • An API provides programmatic access to the End Point to enable CRM, ERP, and ALM systems to consume runtime data directly.

External links

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