Royal Belgian Sea Cadet Corps
The Royal Belgian Sea Cadet Corps is a voluntary youth organisation sponsored by the Belgian Navy
Belgian Navy
The Marine Component of the Belgian Army, formerly the Belgian Naval Force, is the naval service of Belgium.-Early history:The Belgian Navy was created as the Marine Royale in 1831. This force has operated in various forms throughout Belgian history.When after the Belgian Revolution, the country...



There are 7 units across Belgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...

, with a total membership of a few hundred cadets and officers. Units week every week or two weeks, usually on a Sunday, providing training and recreational opportunities for cadets. The curriculum includes seamanship, navigation, sailing, rowing and general boatwork, drill, first aid and other nautical subjects. Staff are all volunteers.

The 7 units are located at:-
  • Antwerpen (Antwerp)
  • Brussel/Bruxelles
  • Eupen
  • Hasselt
  • Ittre
  • Leuven/Louvain
  • Oostende (Ostend).

The Belgian Sea Cadet Corps is a uniformed organisation and receives logistical support from the Belgian Navy under a covenant with the Ministry of Defence. There are no further ties with the military, and in contrast to most other sea cadet organisations, the Belgian Sea Cadet Corps does not use weapons or includes marksmanship in its programme. Cadets and staff are not required to undertake military service and are not particularly expected nor encouraged to join the military.

The Belgian Sea Cadet Corps operates a fleet of some half a dozen small vessels, including a sailing yacht and several motor vessels. These are used for day training at sea or on inland navigation waters. A few times a year, longer cruises are organised either within Belgium or neighbouring countries.

Two annual training camps are organised; the main annual camp being held in Ostend each Summer. This event is referred to as 'Orka' and offers cadets a wide range of fun activities on a nautical theme during a period of seven to ten days.

A system of ranks is used, with badges being distinctly different from the military. Progression is based on merit and length of service. Cadets generally leave at the age of 18, with a small number becoming volunteer staff.

The Belgian Sea Cadet Corps is also a member of the International Sea Cadet Association
International Sea Cadet Association
The International Sea Cadet Association, referred to as "the ISCA", is a voluntary association of independent Sea Cadet Corps or corresponding organizations, committed to common concepts and goals, and wishing to share ideas and information, and, to the best of their ability, to engage in cadet...

 and sometimes participates in international exchange programmes.


Membership of the Belgian Sea Cadet Corps is open to all young people aged 12 to 18. There is no specific recruitment time; cadets can join or leave at any time. Cadets pay a small annual membership fee.


All cadet units are staffed by unpaid officers and instructors, although some units may also have volunteer instructors. Recruitment is on a vacancy-only basis.

Other naval cadet organisations

  • International Sea Cadet Association
    International Sea Cadet Association
    The International Sea Cadet Association, referred to as "the ISCA", is a voluntary association of independent Sea Cadet Corps or corresponding organizations, committed to common concepts and goals, and wishing to share ideas and information, and, to the best of their ability, to engage in cadet...

  • Other Sea Cadet organisations

External references

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.