Ross House Museum
The Ross House Museum is a museum in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The museum (c. 1852-5), is on the Canadian Register of Historic Places. Construction of the log house began in 1852 on the bank of the Red River at the foot of present day Market Avenue. It was the first post office in Western Canada
Western Canada
Western Canada, also referred to as the Western provinces and commonly as the West, is a region of Canada that includes the four provinces west of the province of Ontario.- Provinces :...

 with the appointment of Ross as Post Master in 1855 by the Council of Assiniboia
Council of Assiniboia
The Council of Assiniboia was, from 1821 until 1870, the appointed administrative body of Rupert's Land.-History:This Council was created by the Hudson's Bay Company to govern the territory following its merger with the North West Company, and the death of Lord Selkirk...

. The building was saved from demolition in 1947 by the Manitoba Historical Society and moved to Higgins Ave across from the C.P.R. station. There it was restored with the land and house containing artifacts, monuments and markers relevant to the early history of Manitoba. In 1984 the house was once more moved, this time to its present location at Joe Zuken Heritage Park in Point Douglas.

External links


The Museum is affiliated with: CMA
Canadian Museums Association
The Canadian Museums Association is a national organization for the promotion of museums in Canada.The Canadian Museums Association is the national organization for the advancement of the Canadian museum sector, representing Canadian museum professionals both within Canada and internationally. The...

Canadian Heritage Information Network
The Canadian Heritage Information Network is a Canadian government-supported organization that provides a networked interface to Canada's heritage, largely through the World Wide Web. It aims to give access to Canada's heritage for both Canadians and a worldwide audience, by supporting the...

, and Virtual Museum of Canada
Virtual Museum of Canada
The Virtual Museum of Canada is Canada's national virtual museum. With a directory of over 3,000 Canadian heritage institutions and a database of over 600 virtual exhibits, the VMC brings together Canada's museums regardless of size or geographical location.The VMC includes virtual exhibits,...

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