Ron Martin
Ron Martin is professor of economic geography
at the Department of Geography University of Cambridge
. He is also a fellow of the Cambridge-MIT Institute
, research associate
of the Centre for Business Research and professorial fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge
. Moreover, he is an associate director of the Local Futures Group, an economic-geographic consultancy.
* 1986 The Geography of De-industrialisation, (Ed. with R.E. Rowthorn), London: Macmillan, 365 pp.
* 1992 Regional Development in the 1990s: The British Isles in Transition (Ed. with P. Townroe), London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 330 pp.
* 1994 Money, Power and Space, (Joint Editor with S.E Corbridge and N. J. Thrift),Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 452 pp.
* 1994 Human Geography: Society, Space and the Social Sciences, (Ed. with D.J. Gregory and G.E. Smith), London: Macmillan, 294 pp.
* 1996 Union Retreat and the Regions: The Shrinking Landscape of Organised Labour, (With P. Sunley and J. Wills), London: Jessica Kingsley, 244 pp.
* 1998 Unemployment and Social Exclusion, (Ed. with Paul Lawless), London: Jessica Kingsley, 274 pp.
* 1999 Money and the Space Economy (Ed), London: Wiley, 337 pp.
* 1999 The Reader in Economic Geography: Producing and Consuming Global Capitalism (Ed. with J. Bryson, N, Henry and D. Keeble), London:John Wiley, 451 pp.
* 2001 Business Clusters in the UK, (with P Miller, R Botham, G Gibson and B. Moore), London: TSO, 238pp.
* 2001 Labour's New Regional Policy: An Assessment (with S. Fothergill, R. Rowthorn, et al. P. Tyler), London: Regional Studies Association, 60 pp.
* 2003 Regional Venture Capital Policy in Germany and the UK, Anglo-German Foundation, (with P. Sunley, B. Klaage and C Berndt), London and Berlin,152 pp.
* 2003 Geographies of Labour Market Inequality (Ed. with P. Morrison), Routledge, London, 272 pp.
* 2005 Putting Workfare in its Place, Oxford: Blackwell 230 pp.
* 2005 Regional Competitive Advantage (Ed. with M, Kitson and P. Tyler), London: Routledge, 195 pp.
* 2005 Clusters and Regional Development: Critical Reflections and Explorations (Ed. with B. Asheim and P. Cooke), London: Routledge, 302 pp.
* 2007 The Evolving Project of Economic Geography (Vol 1: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography), London: Routledge, 438 pp
* 2007 Spaces of Wealth Creation in a Globalizing Economy (Vol 2: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography), London: Routledge, 549 pp.
* 2007 Firms and Labour Markets (Vol 3: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography), London: Routledge, 384 pp.
* 2007 The Cultural Economy (Vol 4: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography), London: Routledge, 468 pp.
* 2007 Regulating the Economic Landscape (Vol 5: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography), London: Routledge, 581 pp.
* 2007 Complexity Thinking and Evolutionary Economic Geography (With P. Sunley), Journal of Economic Geography, 7, 4, pp. 16–45.
* 2007 Constructing an Evolutionary Economic Geography (With R. Boschma), Journal of Economic Geography, 7, 4, pp. 1–15.
* 2007 The Transformation of Economic Geography (With P. Sunley), Ch.1 in The Evolving Project of Economic Geography (Vol 1: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography, Eds: R Martin and P Sunley), London: Routledge, pp. 3–21.
* 2007 Regions, Capital and Knowledge (With P. Sunley), Realms of Wealth Creation in a Globalizing Economy (Vol 2: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography, Eds: R Martin and P Sunley), London: Routledge, pp. 3–16.
* 2007 The Changing Landscape of Workplaces and Work (With P. Sunley) in Changing Worlds of Work and Welfare (Vol 3: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography, Eds: R Martin and P Sunley), London: Routledge, pp. 3–16.
* 2007 The Rise of Cultural Economic Geography (With A. James and P. Sunley) in The Cultural Economy (Vol 4: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography, Eds: R Martin and P Sunley), London: Routledge, pp. 3–18.
* 2007 Regulating Spaces and Economic Geography (With P. Sunley) in Regulating the Economic Landscape (Vol 5: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography, Eds: R Martin and P Sunley), London: Routledge, pp. 3–13.
* 2008 The 'New Geographical turn in Economics: Some Critical Reflections, Ch 23 in Jovanvic, M. N. (Ed) Economic Integration and Spatial Location of Firms and Industries, Volume 1, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar , pp. 446–472.
* 2008 Deconstructing Clusters: Chaotic Concept or Policy Panacea? Journal of Economic Geography, Ch 6 in Jovanvic, M. N. (Ed) Economic Integration and Spatial Location of Firms and Industries, Volume 3, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. pp. 78–108.
* 2008 Geographies of Economies, in Economy: Critical Essays in Human Geography (Vol 8 in Contemporary Foundations of Space and Place series, Ashgate, (In Press)
* 2008 Path Dependence and Path Creation in the Economic Landscape, in Boschma, R. and Martin, R. (Eds) Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
* 2008 The 'New Economic Geography': Credible Models of the Economic Landscape? In Leyshon, A., McDowell, L. and Sunley, S. (Eds) A Compendium of Economic Geography, London: Sage.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
* 1988 The Political Economy of Britain's North-South Divide, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,13, pp. 389–418. pp. 27–51.
* 1989 De-Industrialisation and State Intervention: Keynesianism,Thatcherism and the Regions, Chapter 6 in: J. Mohan (Ed) The Political Geography of Contemporary Britain, London: Macmillan, pp. 87–111.
* 1989 The Reorganisation of Regional Theory: Alternative Perspectives on the Changing Capitalist Space Economy, Geoforum, 20, 2, pp. 187–201.
* 1989 Regional Imbalance as Consequence and Constraint in National Economic Renewal, Chapter 4 in: Green, F. (Ed) The Restructuring of the UK Economy, London: Harvester Press, pp. 80–97.
* 1989 The Growth and Geographical Anatomy of Venture Capitalism in the United Kingdom, Regional Studies, 23, 5, pp. 389–403.
* 1990 Flexible Futures and Post-Fordist Places, Environment and Planning, A, 22, 10, 1276-1280.
* 1991 Mrs Thatcher's Vision of the 'New Britain' and the Other Sides of the 'Cambridge Phenomenon', (With P. Crang), Society and Space 9, pp. 91–116.
* 1992 Has The British Economy Been Transformed? Critical Reflections on the Policies of the Thatcher Era, Chapter 7 in P.Cloke (Ed) Policy and Changein Thatcher's Britain, Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp 123–158. 319.
* 1992 British Regional Policy in the Context of Increasing European Economic Integration (With P. Tyler) Cambridge Regional Economic Review, 2, pp. 34–43.
* 1993 Reviving Economic Case for Regional Policy, Chapter 15 in Hart, M.and Harrison, R. (Eds) Spatial Policy in a Divided Nation, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 270–290.
* 1993 The Geography of Unemployment, Geography Review 6, 3, pp. 10–16.
* 1993 The Geography of Trade Union Decline: Spatial Dispersal or RegionalResilience? (With P. Sunley and J.Wills), Transactions of the Institute of British Geographer, NS, 18, pp. 36–62.
* 1994 Unions and The Politics of De-industrialization: Some Comments on How Geography Complicates Class Analysis, (With P. Sunley and J. Wills), Antipode, 26, 1, pp. 59–76.
* 1994 Stateless Monies, Global Financial Integration and National Autonomy: The End of Geography?, Chapter 6 in Money, Power and Space, (Joint Editor with S.E. Corbridge and N. J. Thrift), Oxford: Basil Blackwell. pp. 152–176.
* 1994 Labouring Differences: Method, Measurement and Purpose in Geographical Research on Trade Unions (With P. Sunley and J.Wills), Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS 19,1, pp 102–110.
* 1994 Economic Theory and Human Geography, Chapter 2 in: D.J. Gregory, R.L. Martin and G.E. Smith (Eds) Human Geography: Society, Space and the Social Sciences, London: Macmillan, pp. 21–53.
* 1994 Local Industrial Politics: Spatial Subsystems in British Engineering, Employee Relations, 16, 2, pp. 19–30.
* 1994 Real Wage Rigidity at the Local Level in Great Britain, (With P.Tyler). Regional Studies, 28,8, pp. 833–842.
* 1994 The Decentralisation of Industrial Relations: Institutional Spaces and Local Context in British Engineering, (With P. Sunley and J. Wills), Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS, 19, 4, pp. 459–487.
* 1995 Undermining the Financial Basis of Regions: The Spatial Structure and Implications of the UK Pension Fund System, (With R. Minns). Regional Studies, 29,2, pp. 125–144.
* 1995 Income and Poverty Inequalities Across Regional Britain: The North-South Divide Lingers On, Chapter 2 in Philo. C. (Ed) The Social Geography of Poverty:Studies in the UK, London: CPAG, pp. 23–44.
* 1996 Paul Krugman's Geographical Economics and Its Implications for Regional Development Theory: A Critical Assessment, (With P. Sunley), Economic Geography, 72, 3 , pp. 260–293.
* 1997 Regional Unemployment Disparities and their Dynamics, Regional Studies, 31, Martin), pp. 35–50.
* 1997 Regional Dimensions of Europe's Unemployment Problem, Chapter 1 in Lawless, P., Martin, R.L. and Hardy, S. (Eds) Unemployment and Social Exclusion: Landscapes of Labour Market Inequality, London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 1–34.
* 1997 The Post-Keynesian State and the Space Economy, Chapter 21 in Lee, R. and Wills, J. (Eds) Geographies of Economies, London: Arnold, pp. 280–291.
* 1998 European Regional Unemployment Disparities: Convergence or Persistence? (With P, Tyler and M, Baddeley), European Urban and Regional Studies, 5,3, pp. 195–215.
* 1998 Cyclical Shocks and Structural Shifts in British Regional Unemployment Since the Early-1980s (With P. Tyler and M. Baddeley), Applied Economics, 30, pp. 19–30.
* 1998 Slow Convergence? The New Endogenous Growth Theory and Regional Development (With P. Sunley) Economic Geography , 74, 3, pp. 201–227.
* 1999 Unemployment Flow Regimes and Regional Unemployment Disparities, (With P. Sunley), Environment and Planning, A, 31,pp. 523–550.
* 1999 The Economic Geography of Money, Chapter 1 in Martin, R.L. (Ed) Money and the Space Economy, London: Wiley, pp. 3–28.
* 1999 Selling Off the State: Privatisation, the Equity Market and the Geographies of Private Shareholding, Chapter 13 in Martin, R.L. (Ed) Money and the Space Economy, London:Wiley, pp. 260–283.
* 1999 The New 'Geographical Turn' in Economics: Some Critical Reflections, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23, pp 63–91.
* 2000 Regional Wage Rigidity in The European Union and The United States Compared, Journal of Regional Science , 40, 1, pp. 113–140
* 2000 The Geographies of De-mutualisation and the Remapping of Financial Landscapes, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS, 25, pp. 221–141.
* 2000 Regional Employment Evolutions in the European Union, (with P. Tyler) Regional Studies , 34, 7, pp. 601–616.
* 2000 Tackling the Regional Jobs Gap, (with J. Grieg-Smith, A Glynn, R. Rowthorn, et al.), Employment Policy Institute, London.
* 2000 Local Labour Markets, Their Nature, Functioning and Regulation, Chapter 19 in: Clark, G.L., Gertler, M. and Feldman, (Eds) Handbook of Economic Geography, Oxford: Oxford University, pp. 455–476.
* 2000 The Geographies of the National Minimum Wage, Environment and Planning, A, 32, pp. 1735–1758.
* 2000 Institutional Approaches to Economic Geography, in Barnes, T. and Sheppard, M. (Eds) Chapter 5 in A Companion to Economic Geography, Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 77–94.
* 2000 Labour Markets, Economic Efficiency and Social Justice: Beyond the Conventional Tradeoff, (with M.Kitson and F. Wilkinson), Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24, 4, pp. 631–641.
* 2001 EMU versus the Regions? Regional Convergence and Divergence in Euroland, Journal of Economic Geography, 1, 1, pp. 51–80.
* 2001 Geography and Public Policy: The Case of the Missing Manifesto, Progress in Human Geography, 25, 2, pp. 121–137.
* 2001 Rethinking the 'Economic' in Economic Geography: Broadening Our Vision or Losing our Focus? (with P. Sunley) Antipode, 33, 2, pp. 148–161.
* 2001 The Geographer as Social Critic: Getting Indignant about Income Inequalities, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS, 26,3, pp. 267–272.
* 2001 Mapping the New Deal: Mapping Local Disparities in the Performance of Welfare-to-Work, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS, 26,4,pp. 484–512.
* 2002 Taking Risks in Regions: The Geographical Anatomy of Europe's Emerging Venture Capital Market (with P. Sunley and D. Turner) Journal of Economic Geography, 2, 2, pp. 1–30.
* 2002 EMU and Enlargement: Twin Threats to European Regional Cohesion? Ch 20 in Arnull. T. and Wincott, D. (Eds) Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 346–363.
* 2002 Localising Welfare to Work? Territorial Flexibility and the New Deal for Young People, Environment and Planning, A, 20, pp. 911–932.
* 2003 The Local Impact of the New Deal: Does Geography Make a Difference? (with P. Sunley and C Nativel), Ch. 8 in Local Labour Markets: Processes, Problems and Policies (Joint Editor with P. Morrison), London: Routledge, pp. 175–207.
* 2003 Thinking About the Geographies of Labour, (with P. Morrison), Chapter 1 in The Geography of Labour Market Inequality (Joint Editor with P. Morrison), London: Routledge, pp 3–20.
* 2003 The Geographies of a National Minimum: The Case of the UK, (With P. Sunley), Chapter 9 in The Geography of Labour Market Inequality (Joint Editor with P. Morrison), London: Routledge, pp. 208–236.
* 2003 The Geographies of Labour Market Inequality: Some Emergent Issues and Challenges, Ch 10 in The Geography of Labour Market Inequality (Joint Editor with P. Morrison), London: Routledge, pp. 239–262.
* 2003 Deconstructing Clusters: Chaotic Concept or Policy Panacea? (With P. Sunley) Journal of Economic Geography, 3, 1 pp. 5–35.
* 2004 The Contemporary Debate over Britain's North-South Divide: Images and Realities of Regional Inequality in late-20th Century Britain, Ch 2. in A.R.H. Baker (Ed) Geographies of England: The North-South Divide, Imagined and Material, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 15–43.
* 2004 Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Growth across the European Regions, Regional Studies, Special Issue on Regional Competitiveness, 38, pp. 1045–1067.
* 2004 Regional Competitiveness: An Elusive yet Key Concept? (with M. Kitson and P. Tyler), Regional Studies, Special Issue on Regional Competitiveness, 38, pp. 991–1000
* 2004 Expanding the Role of Geography in Public Policy (With A. James and M. Gray), Environment and Planning, A, 36, pp. 1901–1906.
* 2005 Identifying and Interpreting Regional Convergence Clusters in the European Union (with L Corrada and G Meeks), Economic Journal, 115, pp. C133-C160.
* 2005 Une Convergence Lente? La Nouvelle Théorie de la Croissance Endogène et le Développement Regional, Geographie, Économie, Société, 7, pp. 129–154.
* 2005 Decentralised versus Centralised Financial Systems; Is There a Case for Local Capital Markets? (With B. Klagge), Journal of Economic Geography, 5, pp 387–421..
* 2005 Spatial Proximity Effects and Regional Equity Gaps in the Venture Capital Market: Evidence from Germany and the UK, (With C. Berndt, B. Klagge and P. Sunley) Environment and Planning A, 27 pp. 1207–1231.
* 2005 Venture Capital Programmes in the UK and Germany: In What Sense Regional Policies? (With P. Sunley, C. Berndt and B. Klagge), Regional Studies, 39, pp. 255–273.
* 2005 European Integration and Economic Geography, Ch 6 in Economics for a New Age (Ed H. Garretsen), Utrecht: Utrecht University Press, pp. 141– 163.
* 2005 Regional Dimensions of Europe's Growth Problem (With B. Gardiner and P. Tyler), Regional Studies, 39, pp. 698–712.
Economic geography
Economic geography is the study of the location, distribution and spatial organization of economic activities across the world. The subject matter investigated is strongly influenced by the researcher's methodological approach. Neoclassical location theorists, following in the tradition of Alfred...
at the Department of Geography University of Cambridge
Department of Geography University of Cambridge
The Department of Geography at the University of Cambridge has an international reputation as a leading centre of research and is consistently ranked as one of the best departments in the UK. The Department was ranked top by The Times Good University Guide in 2005...
. He is also a fellow of the Cambridge-MIT Institute
Cambridge-MIT Institute
The Cambridge–MIT Institute, or CMI, is a partnership between the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts....
, research associate
Research associate
The title of research associate is used to denote an academic research position at a university or similar institution. A research associate usually conducts research under the supervision of a principal investigator. In contrast to a research assistant or research officer, a research associate...
of the Centre for Business Research and professorial fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge
St Catharine's College, Cambridge
St. Catharine’s College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1473, the college is often referred to informally by the nickname "Catz".-History:...
. Moreover, he is an associate director of the Local Futures Group, an economic-geographic consultancy.
- Awarded the British AcademyBritish AcademyThe British Academy is the United Kingdom's national body for the humanities and the social sciences. Its purpose is to inspire, recognise and support excellence in the humanities and social sciences, throughout the UK and internationally, and to champion their role and value.It receives an annual...
's 'Thank-Offering to Britain' senior research fellowship, 1997–1998 - Elected academician of the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social SciencesAcademy of Learned Societies for the Social SciencesThe Academy of Social Sciences is a research body in the UK. , the Academy was composed of over 450 Academicians and 32 Learned Societies. Academicians are distinguished scholars and practitioners from academia and the public and private sectors...
, 2001 - Selected by the American Economic AssociationAmerican Economic AssociationThe American Economic Association, or AEA, is a learned society in the field of economics, headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. It publishes one of the most prestigious academic journals in economics: the American Economic Review...
in 2003 as one of the world's most cited economists - Elected fellow of the British AcademyBritish AcademyThe British Academy is the United Kingdom's national body for the humanities and the social sciences. Its purpose is to inspire, recognise and support excellence in the humanities and social sciences, throughout the UK and internationally, and to champion their role and value.It receives an annual...
, 2005
- The Geographies of Work
- The Geographies of Financial Systems
- Regional Economic Development
- Economic Theory and Economic Geography
- Geography and Public Policy
Books* 1986 The Geography of De-industrialisation, (Ed. with R.E. Rowthorn), London: Macmillan, 365 pp.
* 1992 Regional Development in the 1990s: The British Isles in Transition (Ed. with P. Townroe), London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 330 pp.
* 1994 Money, Power and Space, (Joint Editor with S.E Corbridge and N. J. Thrift),Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 452 pp.
* 1994 Human Geography: Society, Space and the Social Sciences, (Ed. with D.J. Gregory and G.E. Smith), London: Macmillan, 294 pp.
* 1996 Union Retreat and the Regions: The Shrinking Landscape of Organised Labour, (With P. Sunley and J. Wills), London: Jessica Kingsley, 244 pp.
* 1998 Unemployment and Social Exclusion, (Ed. with Paul Lawless), London: Jessica Kingsley, 274 pp.
* 1999 Money and the Space Economy (Ed), London: Wiley, 337 pp.
* 1999 The Reader in Economic Geography: Producing and Consuming Global Capitalism (Ed. with J. Bryson, N, Henry and D. Keeble), London:John Wiley, 451 pp.
* 2001 Business Clusters in the UK, (with P Miller, R Botham, G Gibson and B. Moore), London: TSO, 238pp.
* 2001 Labour's New Regional Policy: An Assessment (with S. Fothergill, R. Rowthorn, et al. P. Tyler), London: Regional Studies Association, 60 pp.
* 2003 Regional Venture Capital Policy in Germany and the UK, Anglo-German Foundation, (with P. Sunley, B. Klaage and C Berndt), London and Berlin,152 pp.
* 2003 Geographies of Labour Market Inequality (Ed. with P. Morrison), Routledge, London, 272 pp.
* 2005 Putting Workfare in its Place, Oxford: Blackwell 230 pp.
* 2005 Regional Competitive Advantage (Ed. with M, Kitson and P. Tyler), London: Routledge, 195 pp.
* 2005 Clusters and Regional Development: Critical Reflections and Explorations (Ed. with B. Asheim and P. Cooke), London: Routledge, 302 pp.
* 2007 The Evolving Project of Economic Geography (Vol 1: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography), London: Routledge, 438 pp
* 2007 Spaces of Wealth Creation in a Globalizing Economy (Vol 2: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography), London: Routledge, 549 pp.
* 2007 Firms and Labour Markets (Vol 3: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography), London: Routledge, 384 pp.
* 2007 The Cultural Economy (Vol 4: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography), London: Routledge, 468 pp.
* 2007 Regulating the Economic Landscape (Vol 5: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography), London: Routledge, 581 pp.
* 2007 Complexity Thinking and Evolutionary Economic Geography (With P. Sunley), Journal of Economic Geography, 7, 4, pp. 16–45.
* 2007 Constructing an Evolutionary Economic Geography (With R. Boschma), Journal of Economic Geography, 7, 4, pp. 1–15.
* 2007 The Transformation of Economic Geography (With P. Sunley), Ch.1 in The Evolving Project of Economic Geography (Vol 1: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography, Eds: R Martin and P Sunley), London: Routledge, pp. 3–21.
* 2007 Regions, Capital and Knowledge (With P. Sunley), Realms of Wealth Creation in a Globalizing Economy (Vol 2: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography, Eds: R Martin and P Sunley), London: Routledge, pp. 3–16.
* 2007 The Changing Landscape of Workplaces and Work (With P. Sunley) in Changing Worlds of Work and Welfare (Vol 3: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography, Eds: R Martin and P Sunley), London: Routledge, pp. 3–16.
* 2007 The Rise of Cultural Economic Geography (With A. James and P. Sunley) in The Cultural Economy (Vol 4: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography, Eds: R Martin and P Sunley), London: Routledge, pp. 3–18.
* 2007 Regulating Spaces and Economic Geography (With P. Sunley) in Regulating the Economic Landscape (Vol 5: Critical Concepts in Economic Geography, Eds: R Martin and P Sunley), London: Routledge, pp. 3–13.
* 2008 The 'New Geographical turn in Economics: Some Critical Reflections, Ch 23 in Jovanvic, M. N. (Ed) Economic Integration and Spatial Location of Firms and Industries, Volume 1, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar , pp. 446–472.
* 2008 Deconstructing Clusters: Chaotic Concept or Policy Panacea? Journal of Economic Geography, Ch 6 in Jovanvic, M. N. (Ed) Economic Integration and Spatial Location of Firms and Industries, Volume 3, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. pp. 78–108.
* 2008 Geographies of Economies, in Economy: Critical Essays in Human Geography (Vol 8 in Contemporary Foundations of Space and Place series, Ashgate, (In Press)
* 2008 Path Dependence and Path Creation in the Economic Landscape, in Boschma, R. and Martin, R. (Eds) Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
* 2008 The 'New Economic Geography': Credible Models of the Economic Landscape? In Leyshon, A., McDowell, L. and Sunley, S. (Eds) A Compendium of Economic Geography, London: Sage.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
* 1988 The Political Economy of Britain's North-South Divide, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,13, pp. 389–418. pp. 27–51.
* 1989 De-Industrialisation and State Intervention: Keynesianism,Thatcherism and the Regions, Chapter 6 in: J. Mohan (Ed) The Political Geography of Contemporary Britain, London: Macmillan, pp. 87–111.
* 1989 The Reorganisation of Regional Theory: Alternative Perspectives on the Changing Capitalist Space Economy, Geoforum, 20, 2, pp. 187–201.
* 1989 Regional Imbalance as Consequence and Constraint in National Economic Renewal, Chapter 4 in: Green, F. (Ed) The Restructuring of the UK Economy, London: Harvester Press, pp. 80–97.
* 1989 The Growth and Geographical Anatomy of Venture Capitalism in the United Kingdom, Regional Studies, 23, 5, pp. 389–403.
* 1990 Flexible Futures and Post-Fordist Places, Environment and Planning, A, 22, 10, 1276-1280.
* 1991 Mrs Thatcher's Vision of the 'New Britain' and the Other Sides of the 'Cambridge Phenomenon', (With P. Crang), Society and Space 9, pp. 91–116.
* 1992 Has The British Economy Been Transformed? Critical Reflections on the Policies of the Thatcher Era, Chapter 7 in P.Cloke (Ed) Policy and Changein Thatcher's Britain, Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp 123–158. 319.
* 1992 British Regional Policy in the Context of Increasing European Economic Integration (With P. Tyler) Cambridge Regional Economic Review, 2, pp. 34–43.
* 1993 Reviving Economic Case for Regional Policy, Chapter 15 in Hart, M.and Harrison, R. (Eds) Spatial Policy in a Divided Nation, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 270–290.
* 1993 The Geography of Unemployment, Geography Review 6, 3, pp. 10–16.
* 1993 The Geography of Trade Union Decline: Spatial Dispersal or RegionalResilience? (With P. Sunley and J.Wills), Transactions of the Institute of British Geographer, NS, 18, pp. 36–62.
* 1994 Unions and The Politics of De-industrialization: Some Comments on How Geography Complicates Class Analysis, (With P. Sunley and J. Wills), Antipode, 26, 1, pp. 59–76.
* 1994 Stateless Monies, Global Financial Integration and National Autonomy: The End of Geography?, Chapter 6 in Money, Power and Space, (Joint Editor with S.E. Corbridge and N. J. Thrift), Oxford: Basil Blackwell. pp. 152–176.
* 1994 Labouring Differences: Method, Measurement and Purpose in Geographical Research on Trade Unions (With P. Sunley and J.Wills), Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS 19,1, pp 102–110.
* 1994 Economic Theory and Human Geography, Chapter 2 in: D.J. Gregory, R.L. Martin and G.E. Smith (Eds) Human Geography: Society, Space and the Social Sciences, London: Macmillan, pp. 21–53.
* 1994 Local Industrial Politics: Spatial Subsystems in British Engineering, Employee Relations, 16, 2, pp. 19–30.
* 1994 Real Wage Rigidity at the Local Level in Great Britain, (With P.Tyler). Regional Studies, 28,8, pp. 833–842.
* 1994 The Decentralisation of Industrial Relations: Institutional Spaces and Local Context in British Engineering, (With P. Sunley and J. Wills), Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS, 19, 4, pp. 459–487.
* 1995 Undermining the Financial Basis of Regions: The Spatial Structure and Implications of the UK Pension Fund System, (With R. Minns). Regional Studies, 29,2, pp. 125–144.
* 1995 Income and Poverty Inequalities Across Regional Britain: The North-South Divide Lingers On, Chapter 2 in Philo. C. (Ed) The Social Geography of Poverty:Studies in the UK, London: CPAG, pp. 23–44.
* 1996 Paul Krugman's Geographical Economics and Its Implications for Regional Development Theory: A Critical Assessment, (With P. Sunley), Economic Geography, 72, 3 , pp. 260–293.
* 1997 Regional Unemployment Disparities and their Dynamics, Regional Studies, 31, Martin), pp. 35–50.
* 1997 Regional Dimensions of Europe's Unemployment Problem, Chapter 1 in Lawless, P., Martin, R.L. and Hardy, S. (Eds) Unemployment and Social Exclusion: Landscapes of Labour Market Inequality, London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 1–34.
* 1997 The Post-Keynesian State and the Space Economy, Chapter 21 in Lee, R. and Wills, J. (Eds) Geographies of Economies, London: Arnold, pp. 280–291.
* 1998 European Regional Unemployment Disparities: Convergence or Persistence? (With P, Tyler and M, Baddeley), European Urban and Regional Studies, 5,3, pp. 195–215.
* 1998 Cyclical Shocks and Structural Shifts in British Regional Unemployment Since the Early-1980s (With P. Tyler and M. Baddeley), Applied Economics, 30, pp. 19–30.
* 1998 Slow Convergence? The New Endogenous Growth Theory and Regional Development (With P. Sunley) Economic Geography , 74, 3, pp. 201–227.
* 1999 Unemployment Flow Regimes and Regional Unemployment Disparities, (With P. Sunley), Environment and Planning, A, 31,pp. 523–550.
* 1999 The Economic Geography of Money, Chapter 1 in Martin, R.L. (Ed) Money and the Space Economy, London: Wiley, pp. 3–28.
* 1999 Selling Off the State: Privatisation, the Equity Market and the Geographies of Private Shareholding, Chapter 13 in Martin, R.L. (Ed) Money and the Space Economy, London:Wiley, pp. 260–283.
* 1999 The New 'Geographical Turn' in Economics: Some Critical Reflections, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23, pp 63–91.
* 2000 Regional Wage Rigidity in The European Union and The United States Compared, Journal of Regional Science , 40, 1, pp. 113–140
* 2000 The Geographies of De-mutualisation and the Remapping of Financial Landscapes, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS, 25, pp. 221–141.
* 2000 Regional Employment Evolutions in the European Union, (with P. Tyler) Regional Studies , 34, 7, pp. 601–616.
* 2000 Tackling the Regional Jobs Gap, (with J. Grieg-Smith, A Glynn, R. Rowthorn, et al.), Employment Policy Institute, London.
* 2000 Local Labour Markets, Their Nature, Functioning and Regulation, Chapter 19 in: Clark, G.L., Gertler, M. and Feldman, (Eds) Handbook of Economic Geography, Oxford: Oxford University, pp. 455–476.
* 2000 The Geographies of the National Minimum Wage, Environment and Planning, A, 32, pp. 1735–1758.
* 2000 Institutional Approaches to Economic Geography, in Barnes, T. and Sheppard, M. (Eds) Chapter 5 in A Companion to Economic Geography, Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 77–94.
* 2000 Labour Markets, Economic Efficiency and Social Justice: Beyond the Conventional Tradeoff, (with M.Kitson and F. Wilkinson), Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24, 4, pp. 631–641.
* 2001 EMU versus the Regions? Regional Convergence and Divergence in Euroland, Journal of Economic Geography, 1, 1, pp. 51–80.
* 2001 Geography and Public Policy: The Case of the Missing Manifesto, Progress in Human Geography, 25, 2, pp. 121–137.
* 2001 Rethinking the 'Economic' in Economic Geography: Broadening Our Vision or Losing our Focus? (with P. Sunley) Antipode, 33, 2, pp. 148–161.
* 2001 The Geographer as Social Critic: Getting Indignant about Income Inequalities, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS, 26,3, pp. 267–272.
* 2001 Mapping the New Deal: Mapping Local Disparities in the Performance of Welfare-to-Work, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS, 26,4,pp. 484–512.
* 2002 Taking Risks in Regions: The Geographical Anatomy of Europe's Emerging Venture Capital Market (with P. Sunley and D. Turner) Journal of Economic Geography, 2, 2, pp. 1–30.
* 2002 EMU and Enlargement: Twin Threats to European Regional Cohesion? Ch 20 in Arnull. T. and Wincott, D. (Eds) Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 346–363.
* 2002 Localising Welfare to Work? Territorial Flexibility and the New Deal for Young People, Environment and Planning, A, 20, pp. 911–932.
* 2003 The Local Impact of the New Deal: Does Geography Make a Difference? (with P. Sunley and C Nativel), Ch. 8 in Local Labour Markets: Processes, Problems and Policies (Joint Editor with P. Morrison), London: Routledge, pp. 175–207.
* 2003 Thinking About the Geographies of Labour, (with P. Morrison), Chapter 1 in The Geography of Labour Market Inequality (Joint Editor with P. Morrison), London: Routledge, pp 3–20.
* 2003 The Geographies of a National Minimum: The Case of the UK, (With P. Sunley), Chapter 9 in The Geography of Labour Market Inequality (Joint Editor with P. Morrison), London: Routledge, pp. 208–236.
* 2003 The Geographies of Labour Market Inequality: Some Emergent Issues and Challenges, Ch 10 in The Geography of Labour Market Inequality (Joint Editor with P. Morrison), London: Routledge, pp. 239–262.
* 2003 Deconstructing Clusters: Chaotic Concept or Policy Panacea? (With P. Sunley) Journal of Economic Geography, 3, 1 pp. 5–35.
* 2004 The Contemporary Debate over Britain's North-South Divide: Images and Realities of Regional Inequality in late-20th Century Britain, Ch 2. in A.R.H. Baker (Ed) Geographies of England: The North-South Divide, Imagined and Material, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 15–43.
* 2004 Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Growth across the European Regions, Regional Studies, Special Issue on Regional Competitiveness, 38, pp. 1045–1067.
* 2004 Regional Competitiveness: An Elusive yet Key Concept? (with M. Kitson and P. Tyler), Regional Studies, Special Issue on Regional Competitiveness, 38, pp. 991–1000
* 2004 Expanding the Role of Geography in Public Policy (With A. James and M. Gray), Environment and Planning, A, 36, pp. 1901–1906.
* 2005 Identifying and Interpreting Regional Convergence Clusters in the European Union (with L Corrada and G Meeks), Economic Journal, 115, pp. C133-C160.
* 2005 Une Convergence Lente? La Nouvelle Théorie de la Croissance Endogène et le Développement Regional, Geographie, Économie, Société, 7, pp. 129–154.
* 2005 Decentralised versus Centralised Financial Systems; Is There a Case for Local Capital Markets? (With B. Klagge), Journal of Economic Geography, 5, pp 387–421..
* 2005 Spatial Proximity Effects and Regional Equity Gaps in the Venture Capital Market: Evidence from Germany and the UK, (With C. Berndt, B. Klagge and P. Sunley) Environment and Planning A, 27 pp. 1207–1231.
* 2005 Venture Capital Programmes in the UK and Germany: In What Sense Regional Policies? (With P. Sunley, C. Berndt and B. Klagge), Regional Studies, 39, pp. 255–273.
* 2005 European Integration and Economic Geography, Ch 6 in Economics for a New Age (Ed H. Garretsen), Utrecht: Utrecht University Press, pp. 141– 163.
* 2005 Regional Dimensions of Europe's Growth Problem (With B. Gardiner and P. Tyler), Regional Studies, 39, pp. 698–712.