Rolf Ingvar Semmingsen
Rolf Ingvar Semmingsen was a Norwegian civil servant.

He was born in Stor-Elvdal
Stor-Elvdal is a municipality in Hedmark county, Norway. It is part of the traditional region of Ă˜sterdalen. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Koppang....

. Having graduated as cand.jur., he was hired as assistant secretary in the Norwegian Price Directorate (Konkurransetilsynet) in 1940. In 1946 he was promoted to assistant director under Wilhelm Thagaard
Wilhelm Thagaard
Wilhelm Thagaard was a Norwegian jurist and civil servant. He was born in Kristiania. He chaired Prisdirektoratet over two periods, a total of twenty years. During the occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany Thagaard was a member of "Kretsen", a leading body of the Norwegian Resistance Movement. A...

. He worked as director of the Coop NKL
Coop NKL
Coop NKL BA is a Norwegian cooperative retailing company. Coop NKL is owned by 177 local cooperative associations in Norway and has more than one million members and who actually operate that stores. The company has its headquarters in Oslo...

 (Norges Kooperative Landsforening) from 1949 to 1960, but returned to the Price Directorate to serve as director from 1961 to 1977. In 1994 the Norwegian Price Directorate was restructured as the Norwegian Competition Authority.

He was married to historian Ingrid Semmingsen
Ingrid Semmingsen
Ingrid Elisabeth Semmingsen was a Norwegian historian. Appointed as a professor at the University of Oslo in 1963, she was the first female professor of history in Norway.-Personal life:...

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