The are six Japanese poets
Japanese poetry
Japanese poets first encountered Chinese poetry during the Tang Dynasty. It took them several hundred years to digest the foreign impact, make it a part of their culture and merge it with their literary tradition in their mother tongue, and begin to develop the diversity of their native poetry. For...

 of the mid-9th century who were named in the introduction to the poetry anthology Kokin Wakashū (c. 905) as notable poets of the generation before its compilers. Although the Kokin Wakashū does not name them as a group, they became known as as the Six Poetic Geniuses of the early Heian era. They are:
  • Ōtomo Kuronushi
    Otomo Kuronushi
    was a Japanese poet, one of the Rokkasen, the "Six Poetic Geniuses" described in the Kokin Wakashū, a classical poetic anthology.-References:*Papinot, Edmond . Historical and geographical dictionary of Japan. Tokyo: Librarie Sansaisha....

  • Ono no Komachi
    Ono no Komachi
    was a famous Japanese waka poet, one of the Rokkasen—the Six best Waka poets of the early Heian period. She was noted as a rare beauty; Komachi is a symbol of a beautiful woman in Japan. She also figures among the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals....

  • Ariwara no Narihira
    Ariwara no Narihira
    was a Japanese waka poet and aristocrat. He was one of six waka poets referred in the preface in kana to Kokin Wakashū by Ki no Tsurayuki, and has been named as the hero of The Tales of Ise, whose hero was an anonym in itself but most of whose love affairs could be attributed to Narihira.He was the...

  • Kisen Hōshi
  • Sōjō Henjō
    Sōjō Henjō was a Japanese waka poet and Buddhist priest. His birth name was Yoshimine no Munesada...

  • Fun'ya no Yasuhide
    Fun'ya no Yasuhide
    was an early Heian period poet, included in the Rokkasen and in the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals. He attained upper sixth rank.Included in the Kokinshūs Kanajō , Yasuhide is described as "Yasuhide used words skillfully, but his words do not match the content...

See also

  • Sanjūrokkasen
    Thirty-six Poetry Immortals
    The Thirty-six Poetry Immortals are a group of Japanese poets of the Nara, Asuka and Heian periods selected by Fujiwara no Kintō as exemplars of Japanese poetic ability. There are five female poets among them...

    , a list of 36 Poetic Geniuses compiled by Fujiwara no Kintō
    Fujiwara no Kinto
    , also known as Shijō-dainagon, was a Japanese poet, admired by his contemporaries and a court bureaucrat of the Heian period. His father was the regent Fujiwara no Yoritada and his son Fujiwara no Sadayori...

    in the early 11th century.
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