Rogue Trooper (board game)
Rogue Trooper is the name of a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 board wargame
A wargame is a strategy game that deals with military operations of various types, real or fictional. Wargaming is the hobby dedicated to the play of such games, which can also be called conflict simulations, or consims for short. When used professionally to study warfare, it is generally known as...

 based on the 2000 AD
2000 AD (comic)
2000 AD is a weekly British science fiction-oriented comic. As a comics anthology it serialises a number of separate stories each issue and was first published by IPC Magazines in 1977, the first issue dated 26 February. IPC then shifted the title to its Fleetway comics subsidiary which was sold...

comic strip of the same name
Rogue Trooper
Rogue Trooper is a science fiction strip in the British comic 2000 AD, created by Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons. It follows the adventures of Rogue, a G.I. and his three comrades' search for the Traitor General...

. It was released in 1987 and published by Games Workshop
Games Workshop
Games Workshop Group plc is a British game production and retailing company. Games Workshop has published the tabletop wargames Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Warhammer 40,000...


In the comic, genetically created soldiers (Genetic Infantryman
G.I. (comics)
G.I. is the name given to the Generic Infantry in the Rogue Trooper universe. The name is a play on the original World War II G.I.They were developed by Souther scientists in a bid to create a genetically modified supersoldier. Because of the widespread use of powerful NBC weapons, Nu-Earth had...

) are battling on Nu-Earth
Nu-Earth is the name of a fictional planet near 2 suns and a wormhole that is the main setting for the Rogue Trooper fictional universe.-History:...

 in the far future on the side of the Southers
Southers are the "good guys" fighting the Norts in Rogue Trooper. Their country is called the Souther Confederacy. They receive orders from Milli-com, their military command complex...

, a war without rules and where chemical and biological weapons are used with such frequency that the atmosphere is lethal. At the Quartz Zone Massacre, the enemy Norts
Norts are a fictional fascist enemy with Slavic and Germanic overtones from Rogue Trooper, a science fiction strip in the British comic 2000 AD, who are fighting the Southers. They were mainly responsible for the Quartz Massacre...

 - with the help of a treacherous Souther - launched an attack that massacred all but one of the Genetic Infantrymen. He became Rogue Trooper
Rogue Trooper
Rogue Trooper is a science fiction strip in the British comic 2000 AD, created by Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons. It follows the adventures of Rogue, a G.I. and his three comrades' search for the Traitor General...

 and set out to hunt down the traitor on his own side who helped mastermind the massacre.

Although there was only one surviving Genetic Infantryman in the comic, the boardgame is for several players and thus takes a bit of artistic liberty and declares there were actually several survivors. The opposing players control one Rogue Trooper each and must hunt down the traitor across the devastated wastes of Nu-Earth. The winner is the one who finds and kills the traitor.

It employed a board separated into hex map
Hex map
A hex map, hex board or hex grid is a gameboard design commonly used in wargames of all scales. The map is subdivided into small regular hexagons of identical size.-Advantages and disadvantages:...

areas representing different parts of Nu-Earth. Plastic miniatures represent the GIs and a card-system is employed for revealing who or what lay in each of the areas as the players explore the planet.

External links

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