Robert Baker (actor)
Robert Baker is an American actor known for his roles in Valentine
, Grey's Anatomy
, Out of Time and a supporting role in the film Special
Valentine (TV series)
Valentine is a romantic comedy/drama television series created by Kevin Murphy, who also serves as executive producer alongside Courtney Conte. The show is produced by Media Rights Capital. It premiered on October 5, 2008 at 8:00pm on The CW Television Network and Citytv in Canada and after four...
, Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series created by Shonda Rhimes. The series premiered on March 27, 2005 on ABC; since then, seven seasons have aired. The series follows the lives of interns, residents and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital in...
, Out of Time and a supporting role in the film Special
Special (film)
Special is a 2006 drama film written and directed by Hal Haberman and Jeremy Passmore. It was released in theatres in the UK on November 17, 2006 and on DVD in the UK on March 5, 2007. It was released in theatres in the US on November 21, 2008.-Plot:...
Year | Title | Role | Notes |
2002 | JAG JAG (TV series) JAG is an American adventure/legal drama television show that was produced by Belisarius Productions, in association with Paramount Network Television and, for the first season only, NBC Productions... |
Petty Officer 2nd Class Lester Petrosky | 1 episode |
2003 | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is an American crime drama television series, which premiered on CBS on October 6, 2000. The show was created by Anthony E. Zuiker and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer... |
Virgil | Uncredited, 1 episode |
2003 | NCIS NCIS (TV series) NCIS, formerly known as NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service, is an American police procedural drama television series revolving around a fictional team of special agents from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which conducts criminal investigations involving the U.S... |
Seaman | 1 episode |
2004 | Las Vegas Las Vegas (TV series) Las Vegas was an American television series broadcast by NBC from September 22, 2003 to February 15, 2008. The show focuses on a team of people working at the ficticional Montecito Resort & Casino dealing with issues that arise within the working environment, ranging from valet parking and... |
Slim | 1 episode |
2004 | L.A. Dragnet Dragnet (series) Dragnet is a radio and television crime drama about the cases of a dedicated Los Angeles police detective, Sergeant Joe Friday, and his partners... |
Robert "Bob" Allen Payne | 2 episodes |
2004 | Six Feet Under | Priest | 2 episodes |
2004 | Veronica Mars Veronica Mars Veronica Mars is an American television series created by Rob Thomas. The series premiered on September 22, 2004, during television network UPN's final two years, and ended on May 22, 2007, after a season on UPN's successor, The CW Television Network. Veronica Mars was produced by Warner Bros... |
Liam | 1 episode |
2005 | Cold Case | Buck Lowman, 1976 | 1 episode |
2005 | Reunion Reunion (TV series) Reunion is an American television series that aired on FOX in late 2005. The series was intended to chronicle 20 years in the lives of a group of six high school friends from Bedford, New York, with each episode following one year in the lives of the six, beginning with their high school graduation... |
Cop | 1 episode |
2008–2009 | Valentine Valentine (TV series) Valentine is a romantic comedy/drama television series created by Kevin Murphy, who also serves as executive producer alongside Courtney Conte. The show is produced by Media Rights Capital. It premiered on October 5, 2008 at 8:00pm on The CW Television Network and Citytv in Canada and after four... |
Leo Francisci Hercules Leonardo Joveson |
8 episodes |
2009–2010 | Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series created by Shonda Rhimes. The series premiered on March 27, 2005 on ABC; since then, seven seasons have aired. The series follows the lives of interns, residents and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital in... |
Dr. Charles Percy | 11 episodes |
2010 | Law & Order: Los Angeles Law & Order: Los Angeles Law & Order: LA, originally titled Law & Order: Los Angeles, is an American police procedural and legal drama television series set in Los Angeles, where it was produced... |
Actor | 1 episode |
Year | Title | Role | Notes |
1999 | Angel on Abbey Street | Partygoer | |
2001 | Ruling Class | Andre | TV Movie |
2002 | Murch | TV Movie | |
2003 | Old School Old School (film) Old School is a 2003 American comedy film released by DreamWorks SKG and directed by Todd Phillips, director of the documentary Frat House. The story was written by Court Crandall, and the film was written by Phillips and Scot Armstrong... |
Student #2 | |
2003 | Out of Time | Tony Dalton | |
2004 | Quarterback | ||
2005 | Little Athens Little Athens Little Athens is a 2005 American independent film directed by Tom Zuber, which stars John Patrick Amedori, Erica Leerhsen, DJ Qualls, Rachel Miner, Eric Szmanda, Michael Pena, and more... |
Berubi | |
2006 | Special Special (film) Special is a 2006 drama film written and directed by Hal Haberman and Jeremy Passmore. It was released in theatres in the UK on November 17, 2006 and on DVD in the UK on March 5, 2007. It was released in theatres in the US on November 21, 2008.-Plot:... |
Everett | |
2006 | Seraphim Falls Seraphim Falls Seraphim Falls is a 2007 American Revisionist Western film directed by television producer and director David Von Ancken in his first feature film. The storyline was conceived from a screenplay written by Von Ancken and Abby Everett Jaques. The fictional story focuses on a bounty hunt for a Union... |
Pope | |
2006 | Ambrose Bierce: Civil War Stories | Re-enactor | TV Movie |
2007 | Save Me Save Me (2007 film) Save Me is a 2007 film directed by Robert Cary about Mark , a drug-addicted homosexual man who is admitted into an ex-gay program run by Gayle and her husband Ted... |
Lester | |
2007 | Towelhead Towelhead (film) Towelhead is a 2007 black comedy film written and directed by Alan Ball and based on Alicia Erian's novel of the same name. The film made its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival on September 8, 2007 under the name Nothing is Private... |
Mr. Joffrey | |