Richard Winslow
Prince Richard Winslow was a fictional character played by Bradley Cole
on the CBS
soap opera
Guiding Light
. The character was introduced on July 15, 1999 and exited the series on July 12, 2002. The character quickly became a crucial part of the show and Cole's performances got him nominated for a Soap Opera Digest Award for "Best New Character" in 2000.
began during a trip to Texas
where Richard was forced to see a different side of life outside his native home.. Richard and Cassie married in 2000 and it was soon revealed that Richard was once married to her sister Reva Shayne
during her years as "Catherine." Together they had a son, Jonathan Randall
but Richard also started a family with his new wife. Together they raised Cassie and Rob Layne's daughter Tammy Winslow Randall and also adopted R.J. Winslow and Will Winslow. The couple's love continued to be tested when Richard's brother Alonzo Baptiste tried to break them up but was eventually unsuccessful when Richard and Cassie returned to Springfield. By 2002, the character had relocated to the city of Springfield (the main setting of the show), where he was involved in a serious car accident. After the accident, Richard was comatose. He briefly awoke one night while Reva Lewis visited him. Begging Reva to help him die, she pulled the plug on his life support. In 2003, actor Bradley Cole (who originated the role of Richard) returned to the series as Jeffrey O'Neill, a district attorney who was also a doppelgänger
for Prince Richard.
The story of Richard George Anthony Winslow the second started with his marriage to Princess Catherine (portrayed by Kim Zimmer), Reva returned to San Cristobel six years after leaving Richard one night with only a note to explain why she was leaving. She returned to San Cristobel after having dreams about a baby that she didn't remember. When she arrives in San Cristobel, she's on her honeymoon with life long love Josh Lewis, (portrayed by Robert Newman).
After a few days on the island, Reva is arrested and charged with kidnapping and Josh is deported back to Springfield while Richard tries to force Reva to tell him where their son is. Reva insists that can't tell him anything because she has only had flashes of memory pertaining to her life on San Cristobel. Richard's current fiancé tried to reason with him about keeping Reva there and forcing her to remember what happened to Richard's son, Jonathan, (later portrayed by Tom Pelphrey) Olivia arranges an party to announce her engagement to Richard, upon the urging of Richard's brother Prince Edmund (portrayed by David Andrew McDonald) They use the engagement party to try to sneak Josh back into the palace to rescue Reva, but Reva recalls something from her past and rushes to tell Richard and Josh is caught by palace guards. Richard demands that Josh leave after Reva sees him and completely forgets what she had remembered about her past. He threatens Reva and forces Josh to leave San Cristobel without her.
Once Josh is gone, Richard and Reva decide to work together to help her remember what happened to Jonathan. They start to relive their past together. Meanwhile, Josh is in Springfield and terrified that something terrible will happen to Reva unless he rescues her. He, Matt, Danny and Michelle Santos and Jim Lemay form a plan to create a diversion, allowing Josh to sneak into the palace and rescue Reva. Cassie (portrayed by Laura Wright) learns of Josh's plan to rescue Reva and tries to talk Josh out of it. He refuses to listen to her and refuses to allow her to come along. Michelle Santos and Cassie come up with their own plan to rescue Reva until Josh figures out what they were doing, and puts a stop to the plan. After that, Michelle agrees to sneak Cassie onto the Santos yacht, which is how the group was getting from Springfield to San Cristobel. Once they are out to sea, Josh finds Cassie on board the Santos yacht and is furious that she's there, but it's too late to return to Springfield, so he agrees that she can come with them but demands the she stay out of the plan to rescue Reva.
While Josh is planning his rescue, Richard and Reva have been revisiting their past together to try and piece Reva's memory back together so that they can find their son. During one of their sessions, Reva remembers that when she and Richard would fight they would fence to settle the argument. Reva insists on doing it again. After a while, they decide to take a break and they leave their swords unattended. While they are away, Prince Edmund replaces Richard's sword with a sharpened tip. When Richard and Reva return to the courtyard, they continue to fence and in the process, Reva is stabbed by Richard. Reva demands to know why Richard tried to kill her and Richard is shocked to discover that his sword was switched. They discover a scarf that Reva recognizes as Olivia's and this leads to Reva remembering that she and Olivia were very close when she was at the palace before. Reva vouches for Olivia and Richard orders an investigation into what happened.
One of the royal guards confronts Edmund about seeing him switch the swords. While Reva and Richard continue to search for Jonathan, Edmund frames the guard for the attempt on Reva’s life. Reva continues to have flashes of memory and talks with Olivia about their relationship. Olivia tells Reva that Jonathan died about a year after Reva left San Cristobel. Reva tells Richard what Olivia told her and they confront Olivia together. She tell s them that Jonathan is buried behind her house. Richard agrees to allow Reva to leave San Cristobel and return to Springfield. Before she leaves, she and Richard go to visit the place where Olivia told them Jonathan was buried, but they find no grave.
When they don't find a grave, Reva and Richard go to Olivia's house to confront Olivia and Edmund follows them. He tries to shoot Reva and Richard sees the gun and pushes her out of the way, taking the shot himself. Olivia comes up and sees Edmund take aim again and hits him, knocking the gun out of Edmund's hand. This gets Richard and Reva's attention, they come to investigate and see Olivia standing over Edmund and assume that she was trying to kill Reva and Edmund stopped her and she runs.
Richard calls out the guard to search for Olivia, while continuing his royal duties after he was shot. In the mean time, Josh continues with his plans to rescue Reva after she wasn't on the plane from San Cristobel. This is when Michelle decides to sneak Cassie onto the yacht. They are already out to sea when Cassie's discovered. Josh is furious but agrees that they can't return to Springfield. He insists that Cassie have nothing to do with their plans. Cassie tells him she doesn't care and Jim notices that she looks sick and quickly realizes that she's seasick and helps her up on deck. While they are on deck, they talk about their friendship and past. As they cross into San Cristobel waters, royal guards board the yacht and discover that Cassie's there without her passport. Danny quickly comes up with an excuse and using his relationship with the royal family keeps everyone from being arrested. Josh continues to be annoyingly condescending to Cassie and she and Jim go out to the pool.
Meanwhile, Richard and Reva continue to search for Jonathan and Olivia. Once the group from Springfield reach the island, they stay at the Santos Villa. Josh still refuses to allow Cassie to be involved with the plan to rescue. She decides to take a walk. As she walks along the beach she finds herself below the palace. She's watching the palace when Richard rides up behind her on a white stallion. He gets of the horse to meet her and Cassie lies telling him that she's there for the ball to commemorate his wedding anniversary to Princess Catherine. When Cassie gets back to the Santos villa, Josh demands to know where she was. She tells him about meeting Richard and telling him that she was an invited guest for the ball. Josh is furious but Jim steps in and calms him down, explaining that he's never been on an operation where everything went exactly as planned. He suggests that Cassie could be of use to them, but distracted Richard right at the moment that they set their plan in motion.
In the meantime, Richard reminds Reva about their wedding anniversary and the annual ball that the palace throws to commemorate their marriage. He asks her to be his Princess for one night and she agrees. Olivia sneaks into the palace and secretly meets with Reva. She explains about Jonathan and what happened the day Richard was shot at her house. She explains how Edmund manipulated her to get her to go along with his plan to oust Richard from the throne and she tells her that Edmund was the reason that she left Jonathan with her before she left San Cristobel. They decide to try and trap Edmund, catching him on tape to prove to Richard that Edmund is problem and the reason she left Jonathan with Olivia and left San Cristobel. As the party starts, Jim and Cassie sneak into the party and Cassie works her way into meeting Richard.
When the bomb goes off, Cassie is with Richard and tries to keep him distracted but he's focused on Reva and finally ditches her to go look for her. Reva and Olivia have lured Edmund away from the party and are trying to get him to confess when he kidnaps Reva and takes her out of the palace. Josh gets to the room where Reva is supposes to be but doesn't find her. Once Richard is away from Cassie, he goes to look for Reva and finds her room empty. He over hears Cassie talking to Jim about the rescue plan and he follows Cassie back to the Santos yacht, confronting her and demanding that she tell him where Reva is.
He quickly realizes that she doesn't know either. Josh comes on board at this time, followed by Olivia. Richard demands to know how she could possibly show her face around him again and she tells him about her and Reva's plan to trap Edmund. Richard doesn't believe her and Josh gets mad. He and Edmund argue and he tells Richard that he doesn't care about the island or Richard's throne that he only wants Reva back and that Edmund has her. They all go back to the palace.
Edmund takes Reva to the caves below the royal palace and chains her to the wall inside one of the caves. While he is there, he calls Richard and tells him that he has Reva and demands to meet with Richard the next day at the palace to discuss his terms for her release and Richard agrees. When Edmund arrives, Josh attacks him, demanding that he tell them where Reva is. Edmund refuses and Richard pulls Josh off him. Edmund demands that Richard abdicate and give him the throne. Richard refuses and Edmund explains that unless Richard abdicates, Reva will die. He takes Cassie as a hostage to leave the palace. Once he's out of the palace he releases Cassie. Josh and Richard chase after him and the end up on the cliffs. Richard and Edmund fight and he goes over the cliff. Josh tries to save Edmund realizing that he's the only one that can tell them where Reva is but he can't pull him back up and Edmund falls to his presumed death on the rocks below. Richard attacks Josh for Edmunds death and Josh forces him to regain control because they had to find Reva. Josh pushes Richard to remember all the places that Edmund liked to go when they were kids. In the meantime, the royal guards have been looking for the people responsible for the explosion in the harbor on the night of the party. They find Danny, Michelle, Matt and Jim and they are arrested. Josh and Richard finally find Reva in the caves, but the hole where Edmund had her chained has flooded with water from ther rising tide. Josh frees her from the chains and pulls her from the water, giving her mouth to mouth to save her life. When they get back to the palace, they arrive with Col. Dax preparing for the execution of the gang from Springfield. Richard knows nothing about the executions until Col. Dax asks if he would like to be present for the execution. Richard rushes in to stop the firing squad, freeing Danny, Michelle, Matt and Jim. While Richard and Josh were looking for Reva, Cassie follows Olivia to her sisters place and takes Jonathan back to the palace to see Richard and Reva. This is the first time Richard and Reva see Jonathan since she left San Cristobel, six years before. Over the next few weeks, Richard and Reva discuss what will happen with Jonathan. Richard wanted Jonathan to stay at the palace with body guards around. Reva wanted him to be a normal little boy with the only parents he's ever known. She finally convinces Richard to let Olivia's sister keep Jonathan and he be like a mentor to him. The situation changes when Edmund comes back to the palace and almost kidnaps Jon. Reva panics and Josh pushes her to give Jon to Olivia's sister and not tell Richard where they've taken him. Reva agrees, giving Jon to Marissa and Alfred. She leaves a note for Richard and again and then sails off on the Santos yacht. During this time, Cassie and Richard have bonded over the situation with Jonathan. After Reva leaves, leaving Richard a note, he runs to the beach trying to catch her before she left. Cassie witnesses him standing in the water calling for Reva and she feels sorry for him. When they get back to the palace, Cassie tries to comfort him, but he lashes out, demanding that Cassie will be trade for Jonathan. Cassie continues to comfort him and he finally breaks down and releases her. She leaves. Things are tense between Josh and Reva when they get back to Sprinfield and Reva goes to Cross Creek to get things together. After Cassie leaves, Richard decides to go to Springfield to find Reva and demand that she tell him where Jonathan is and also force her to admit that she has feeling for him. He decides to use Cassie to get the information. When her arrives at the farm, Cassie suspects what he's trying to do and she tells him to leave. Olivia comes to San Cristobel to warn Josh that Richard was coming to find Reva. While Richard is at the farm, Josh calls, asking if Richard has been there. Cassie tells him he hasn't been even though he's standing there with her. Cassie seems to convince Richard to leave. A storm has come up when he leaves the Jessup farm and he tells his driver to go to the end of the road and block the road so that no one can get in or leave the farm and then he goes back to the farmhouse, asking Cassie to let him stay the night, telling her that road is blocked by a fallen tree. Cassie doesn't believe him at first but after she calls the sheriff and he confirms Richard's story she decides to let him stay at the farm, but she makes him sleep in the barn. The next morning, Richard tries to charm her into telling him where Reva is. She refuses and asks him to leave. She then realizes that she's left RJ's blanket upstairs and asks Richard to watch him while she goes to get it. When she comes back downstairs, RJ is gone and she panics. Thinking that Richard, took RJ to get her to tell her where Reva was, she calls Josh and tells him about Richard being at the farm and taking RJ. After she hangs up with Josh, she hears Richard on the front porch, singing softly. She goes over to the window and finds Richard sitting on the porch with RJ and she overhears him telling RJ about how Reva would sing to Jonathan. She goes outside to get RJ and Richard realizes that she thought he had taken RJ to get her to tell him where Reva was. In the course of that conversation, Cassie lets it slip that Reva is at Cross Creek. Richard tells his man to find out where it is and then he leaves. Josh arrives a few minutes later, Cassie tells him what happened and that Richard agreed to leave. While she's telling Josh what happened, she realizes that she let slip that Reva is at Cross Creek. They rush off to Cross Creek to protect Reva from Richard. Cassie and Josh argue about Cassie selling out here sister. Josh is furious with her for telling Richard where Reva is. When Richard leaves, he goes directly to Cross Creek and he walks in on Reva in the bathtub, he slips his hands around her neck and demands her to tell him why he shouldn't strangle her right then and there. Reva tells him to let her go and he does. She gets out of the bath after she asks him to turn around. They argue about Jonathan and he demands that she tell him where he's at. Because of the storm, Josh and Cassie are grounded until the fog lifts. Once it lifts, they get to Cross Creek only to get stuck in a mud puddle. While Ricahrd and Rev are arguing, a tree crashes through the window which breaks up their fight. After they cover the window, Richard forces Reva to admit that she has feeling for him. Reva tells him that she can't get him out of her head. They embrace and Richard kisses her. During the kiss, Reva pulls on a chain that Richard wears around his neck. It's the same chain that Cassie noticed when she's showing him to the barn. Richard and Reva are about to make love, when Josh and Cassie finally make it to Cross Creek and they walk in but Richard and Reva pull apart before either on can see anything. Josh rushes to Reva's side, demanding to know why he couldn't get in touch with her and she explains the she took the phone off the hook. While Josh and Reva are talking, Cassie is watching Richard and she suspects that she and Josh almost walked in on them. Because of the storm, they can't leave Cross Creek so they settle in to spend a very uncomfortable night together. In the morning, Richard again tells everyone that he's leaving. They assume he's leaving the country, but he's not. He goes to Springfield. After Richard leaves, Cassie tries to get Reva to open up to her about what almost happened between her and Richard, but Reva denies that anything happen and they leave. After Richard leaves Cross Creek, he goes to Springfield. He's planning on staying indefinitely. While he's there, he arranges a meeting with Phillip Spaulding, (portrayed by Grant Aleksander) Being the Prince of San Cristobel, he approaches Phillip about building a manufacturing plant on San Cristobel. In the meantime, Cassie is with Harley and she mentions that Richard was in town to talk to Phillip. Cassie is surprised to hear that Richard's in town and after she leaves Harley, she goes over to Towers to see Richard. When he answers the door, she demands to know what he's doing there when he said he was leaving for San Cristobel. He points out that he never said he was leaving for San Cristobel. She tells him again to go home and leave Reva alone. Richard wants to know why he should leave in Reva's so much in love with Josh. Cassie tells him that the simple fact of him being there will be a temptation for Reva. While they are arguing, Cassie asks to use his bathroom. He shows her where it is and while Cassie is in the bathroom, Reva arrives, demanding to know why he was in Springfield. Cassie over hears the conversation and Richard's hints about what almost happened between them at Cross Creek. Cassie comes out of bathroom, to demand that Reva answer Richard's question about what almost happened between them. Reva accuses Richard of hiding Cassie away to trap her into saying something. She asks Cassie to leave. Cassie tells her if she's leaving then Reva was coming with her. Richard is standing between them and the door. Cassie threatens to kick him unless he gets out of the way. He lets them leave. Once they are out of Richard's room, Reva attacks Cassie for stepping in. They argue and then Reva leaves. Richard is there and over hears the argument. He takes Cassie into his arms, comforting her. Cassie tries again to get him to leave Springfield. He wants to know why she so sure that Reva and Josh are meant to be together. While they are talking, he tries to explain what he and Catatherine had.
Bradley Cole
Bradley Thomas Cole is an American actor.Bradley was born and raised in Southern California. He and his wife, Yoko, are the parents of son Sean William and daughter Maya Joan .-Daytime roles:...
on the CBS
CBS Broadcasting Inc. is a major US commercial broadcasting television network, which started as a radio network. The name is derived from the initials of the network's former name, Columbia Broadcasting System. The network is sometimes referred to as the "Eye Network" in reference to the shape of...
soap opera
Soap opera
A soap opera, sometimes called "soap" for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on radio or as television programming. The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers, such as Procter & Gamble,...
Guiding Light
Guiding Light
Guiding Light is an American daytime television drama that is credited by the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running drama in television and radio history, running from 1937 until 2009...
. The character was introduced on July 15, 1999 and exited the series on July 12, 2002. The character quickly became a crucial part of the show and Cole's performances got him nominated for a Soap Opera Digest Award for "Best New Character" in 2000.
Character history
Richard was introduced in the summer of 1999 as the Prince of the island of San Cristobel. He was an educated ruler who was brought up in a sophisticated lifestyle. His love affair with Cassie Layne WinslowCassie Layne Winslow
Princess Cassandra Elizabeth "Cassie" Layne Winslow is a fictional character on the popular CBS daytime soap opera, Guiding Light...
began during a trip to Texas
Texas is the second largest U.S. state by both area and population, and the largest state by area in the contiguous United States.The name, based on the Caddo word "Tejas" meaning "friends" or "allies", was applied by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves and to the region of their settlement in...
where Richard was forced to see a different side of life outside his native home.. Richard and Cassie married in 2000 and it was soon revealed that Richard was once married to her sister Reva Shayne
Reva Shayne
Reva Shayne O'Neill is a fictional character on the long-running CBS daytime soap opera Guiding Light played by emmy-award winner Kim Zimmer from November 28, 1983 to July 1990...
during her years as "Catherine." Together they had a son, Jonathan Randall
Jonathan Randall
Jonathan Randall is a fictional character on the television soap opera Guiding Light.He is portrayed by actor Tom Pelphrey, who has been nominated several times for the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor, and has won the award twice, in 2006 and 2008 .- Overview :Jonathan is the son...
but Richard also started a family with his new wife. Together they raised Cassie and Rob Layne's daughter Tammy Winslow Randall and also adopted R.J. Winslow and Will Winslow. The couple's love continued to be tested when Richard's brother Alonzo Baptiste tried to break them up but was eventually unsuccessful when Richard and Cassie returned to Springfield. By 2002, the character had relocated to the city of Springfield (the main setting of the show), where he was involved in a serious car accident. After the accident, Richard was comatose. He briefly awoke one night while Reva Lewis visited him. Begging Reva to help him die, she pulled the plug on his life support. In 2003, actor Bradley Cole (who originated the role of Richard) returned to the series as Jeffrey O'Neill, a district attorney who was also a doppelgänger
In fiction and folklore, a doppelgänger is a paranormal double of a living person, typically representing evil or misfortune...
for Prince Richard.
The story of Richard George Anthony Winslow the second started with his marriage to Princess Catherine (portrayed by Kim Zimmer), Reva returned to San Cristobel six years after leaving Richard one night with only a note to explain why she was leaving. She returned to San Cristobel after having dreams about a baby that she didn't remember. When she arrives in San Cristobel, she's on her honeymoon with life long love Josh Lewis, (portrayed by Robert Newman).
After a few days on the island, Reva is arrested and charged with kidnapping and Josh is deported back to Springfield while Richard tries to force Reva to tell him where their son is. Reva insists that can't tell him anything because she has only had flashes of memory pertaining to her life on San Cristobel. Richard's current fiancé tried to reason with him about keeping Reva there and forcing her to remember what happened to Richard's son, Jonathan, (later portrayed by Tom Pelphrey) Olivia arranges an party to announce her engagement to Richard, upon the urging of Richard's brother Prince Edmund (portrayed by David Andrew McDonald) They use the engagement party to try to sneak Josh back into the palace to rescue Reva, but Reva recalls something from her past and rushes to tell Richard and Josh is caught by palace guards. Richard demands that Josh leave after Reva sees him and completely forgets what she had remembered about her past. He threatens Reva and forces Josh to leave San Cristobel without her.
Once Josh is gone, Richard and Reva decide to work together to help her remember what happened to Jonathan. They start to relive their past together. Meanwhile, Josh is in Springfield and terrified that something terrible will happen to Reva unless he rescues her. He, Matt, Danny and Michelle Santos and Jim Lemay form a plan to create a diversion, allowing Josh to sneak into the palace and rescue Reva. Cassie (portrayed by Laura Wright) learns of Josh's plan to rescue Reva and tries to talk Josh out of it. He refuses to listen to her and refuses to allow her to come along. Michelle Santos and Cassie come up with their own plan to rescue Reva until Josh figures out what they were doing, and puts a stop to the plan. After that, Michelle agrees to sneak Cassie onto the Santos yacht, which is how the group was getting from Springfield to San Cristobel. Once they are out to sea, Josh finds Cassie on board the Santos yacht and is furious that she's there, but it's too late to return to Springfield, so he agrees that she can come with them but demands the she stay out of the plan to rescue Reva.
While Josh is planning his rescue, Richard and Reva have been revisiting their past together to try and piece Reva's memory back together so that they can find their son. During one of their sessions, Reva remembers that when she and Richard would fight they would fence to settle the argument. Reva insists on doing it again. After a while, they decide to take a break and they leave their swords unattended. While they are away, Prince Edmund replaces Richard's sword with a sharpened tip. When Richard and Reva return to the courtyard, they continue to fence and in the process, Reva is stabbed by Richard. Reva demands to know why Richard tried to kill her and Richard is shocked to discover that his sword was switched. They discover a scarf that Reva recognizes as Olivia's and this leads to Reva remembering that she and Olivia were very close when she was at the palace before. Reva vouches for Olivia and Richard orders an investigation into what happened.
One of the royal guards confronts Edmund about seeing him switch the swords. While Reva and Richard continue to search for Jonathan, Edmund frames the guard for the attempt on Reva’s life. Reva continues to have flashes of memory and talks with Olivia about their relationship. Olivia tells Reva that Jonathan died about a year after Reva left San Cristobel. Reva tells Richard what Olivia told her and they confront Olivia together. She tell s them that Jonathan is buried behind her house. Richard agrees to allow Reva to leave San Cristobel and return to Springfield. Before she leaves, she and Richard go to visit the place where Olivia told them Jonathan was buried, but they find no grave.
When they don't find a grave, Reva and Richard go to Olivia's house to confront Olivia and Edmund follows them. He tries to shoot Reva and Richard sees the gun and pushes her out of the way, taking the shot himself. Olivia comes up and sees Edmund take aim again and hits him, knocking the gun out of Edmund's hand. This gets Richard and Reva's attention, they come to investigate and see Olivia standing over Edmund and assume that she was trying to kill Reva and Edmund stopped her and she runs.
Richard calls out the guard to search for Olivia, while continuing his royal duties after he was shot. In the mean time, Josh continues with his plans to rescue Reva after she wasn't on the plane from San Cristobel. This is when Michelle decides to sneak Cassie onto the yacht. They are already out to sea when Cassie's discovered. Josh is furious but agrees that they can't return to Springfield. He insists that Cassie have nothing to do with their plans. Cassie tells him she doesn't care and Jim notices that she looks sick and quickly realizes that she's seasick and helps her up on deck. While they are on deck, they talk about their friendship and past. As they cross into San Cristobel waters, royal guards board the yacht and discover that Cassie's there without her passport. Danny quickly comes up with an excuse and using his relationship with the royal family keeps everyone from being arrested. Josh continues to be annoyingly condescending to Cassie and she and Jim go out to the pool.
Meanwhile, Richard and Reva continue to search for Jonathan and Olivia. Once the group from Springfield reach the island, they stay at the Santos Villa. Josh still refuses to allow Cassie to be involved with the plan to rescue. She decides to take a walk. As she walks along the beach she finds herself below the palace. She's watching the palace when Richard rides up behind her on a white stallion. He gets of the horse to meet her and Cassie lies telling him that she's there for the ball to commemorate his wedding anniversary to Princess Catherine. When Cassie gets back to the Santos villa, Josh demands to know where she was. She tells him about meeting Richard and telling him that she was an invited guest for the ball. Josh is furious but Jim steps in and calms him down, explaining that he's never been on an operation where everything went exactly as planned. He suggests that Cassie could be of use to them, but distracted Richard right at the moment that they set their plan in motion.
In the meantime, Richard reminds Reva about their wedding anniversary and the annual ball that the palace throws to commemorate their marriage. He asks her to be his Princess for one night and she agrees. Olivia sneaks into the palace and secretly meets with Reva. She explains about Jonathan and what happened the day Richard was shot at her house. She explains how Edmund manipulated her to get her to go along with his plan to oust Richard from the throne and she tells her that Edmund was the reason that she left Jonathan with her before she left San Cristobel. They decide to try and trap Edmund, catching him on tape to prove to Richard that Edmund is problem and the reason she left Jonathan with Olivia and left San Cristobel. As the party starts, Jim and Cassie sneak into the party and Cassie works her way into meeting Richard.
When the bomb goes off, Cassie is with Richard and tries to keep him distracted but he's focused on Reva and finally ditches her to go look for her. Reva and Olivia have lured Edmund away from the party and are trying to get him to confess when he kidnaps Reva and takes her out of the palace. Josh gets to the room where Reva is supposes to be but doesn't find her. Once Richard is away from Cassie, he goes to look for Reva and finds her room empty. He over hears Cassie talking to Jim about the rescue plan and he follows Cassie back to the Santos yacht, confronting her and demanding that she tell him where Reva is.
He quickly realizes that she doesn't know either. Josh comes on board at this time, followed by Olivia. Richard demands to know how she could possibly show her face around him again and she tells him about her and Reva's plan to trap Edmund. Richard doesn't believe her and Josh gets mad. He and Edmund argue and he tells Richard that he doesn't care about the island or Richard's throne that he only wants Reva back and that Edmund has her. They all go back to the palace.
Edmund takes Reva to the caves below the royal palace and chains her to the wall inside one of the caves. While he is there, he calls Richard and tells him that he has Reva and demands to meet with Richard the next day at the palace to discuss his terms for her release and Richard agrees. When Edmund arrives, Josh attacks him, demanding that he tell them where Reva is. Edmund refuses and Richard pulls Josh off him. Edmund demands that Richard abdicate and give him the throne. Richard refuses and Edmund explains that unless Richard abdicates, Reva will die. He takes Cassie as a hostage to leave the palace. Once he's out of the palace he releases Cassie. Josh and Richard chase after him and the end up on the cliffs. Richard and Edmund fight and he goes over the cliff. Josh tries to save Edmund realizing that he's the only one that can tell them where Reva is but he can't pull him back up and Edmund falls to his presumed death on the rocks below. Richard attacks Josh for Edmunds death and Josh forces him to regain control because they had to find Reva. Josh pushes Richard to remember all the places that Edmund liked to go when they were kids. In the meantime, the royal guards have been looking for the people responsible for the explosion in the harbor on the night of the party. They find Danny, Michelle, Matt and Jim and they are arrested. Josh and Richard finally find Reva in the caves, but the hole where Edmund had her chained has flooded with water from ther rising tide. Josh frees her from the chains and pulls her from the water, giving her mouth to mouth to save her life. When they get back to the palace, they arrive with Col. Dax preparing for the execution of the gang from Springfield. Richard knows nothing about the executions until Col. Dax asks if he would like to be present for the execution. Richard rushes in to stop the firing squad, freeing Danny, Michelle, Matt and Jim. While Richard and Josh were looking for Reva, Cassie follows Olivia to her sisters place and takes Jonathan back to the palace to see Richard and Reva. This is the first time Richard and Reva see Jonathan since she left San Cristobel, six years before. Over the next few weeks, Richard and Reva discuss what will happen with Jonathan. Richard wanted Jonathan to stay at the palace with body guards around. Reva wanted him to be a normal little boy with the only parents he's ever known. She finally convinces Richard to let Olivia's sister keep Jonathan and he be like a mentor to him. The situation changes when Edmund comes back to the palace and almost kidnaps Jon. Reva panics and Josh pushes her to give Jon to Olivia's sister and not tell Richard where they've taken him. Reva agrees, giving Jon to Marissa and Alfred. She leaves a note for Richard and again and then sails off on the Santos yacht. During this time, Cassie and Richard have bonded over the situation with Jonathan. After Reva leaves, leaving Richard a note, he runs to the beach trying to catch her before she left. Cassie witnesses him standing in the water calling for Reva and she feels sorry for him. When they get back to the palace, Cassie tries to comfort him, but he lashes out, demanding that Cassie will be trade for Jonathan. Cassie continues to comfort him and he finally breaks down and releases her. She leaves. Things are tense between Josh and Reva when they get back to Sprinfield and Reva goes to Cross Creek to get things together. After Cassie leaves, Richard decides to go to Springfield to find Reva and demand that she tell him where Jonathan is and also force her to admit that she has feeling for him. He decides to use Cassie to get the information. When her arrives at the farm, Cassie suspects what he's trying to do and she tells him to leave. Olivia comes to San Cristobel to warn Josh that Richard was coming to find Reva. While Richard is at the farm, Josh calls, asking if Richard has been there. Cassie tells him he hasn't been even though he's standing there with her. Cassie seems to convince Richard to leave. A storm has come up when he leaves the Jessup farm and he tells his driver to go to the end of the road and block the road so that no one can get in or leave the farm and then he goes back to the farmhouse, asking Cassie to let him stay the night, telling her that road is blocked by a fallen tree. Cassie doesn't believe him at first but after she calls the sheriff and he confirms Richard's story she decides to let him stay at the farm, but she makes him sleep in the barn. The next morning, Richard tries to charm her into telling him where Reva is. She refuses and asks him to leave. She then realizes that she's left RJ's blanket upstairs and asks Richard to watch him while she goes to get it. When she comes back downstairs, RJ is gone and she panics. Thinking that Richard, took RJ to get her to tell her where Reva was, she calls Josh and tells him about Richard being at the farm and taking RJ. After she hangs up with Josh, she hears Richard on the front porch, singing softly. She goes over to the window and finds Richard sitting on the porch with RJ and she overhears him telling RJ about how Reva would sing to Jonathan. She goes outside to get RJ and Richard realizes that she thought he had taken RJ to get her to tell him where Reva was. In the course of that conversation, Cassie lets it slip that Reva is at Cross Creek. Richard tells his man to find out where it is and then he leaves. Josh arrives a few minutes later, Cassie tells him what happened and that Richard agreed to leave. While she's telling Josh what happened, she realizes that she let slip that Reva is at Cross Creek. They rush off to Cross Creek to protect Reva from Richard. Cassie and Josh argue about Cassie selling out here sister. Josh is furious with her for telling Richard where Reva is. When Richard leaves, he goes directly to Cross Creek and he walks in on Reva in the bathtub, he slips his hands around her neck and demands her to tell him why he shouldn't strangle her right then and there. Reva tells him to let her go and he does. She gets out of the bath after she asks him to turn around. They argue about Jonathan and he demands that she tell him where he's at. Because of the storm, Josh and Cassie are grounded until the fog lifts. Once it lifts, they get to Cross Creek only to get stuck in a mud puddle. While Ricahrd and Rev are arguing, a tree crashes through the window which breaks up their fight. After they cover the window, Richard forces Reva to admit that she has feeling for him. Reva tells him that she can't get him out of her head. They embrace and Richard kisses her. During the kiss, Reva pulls on a chain that Richard wears around his neck. It's the same chain that Cassie noticed when she's showing him to the barn. Richard and Reva are about to make love, when Josh and Cassie finally make it to Cross Creek and they walk in but Richard and Reva pull apart before either on can see anything. Josh rushes to Reva's side, demanding to know why he couldn't get in touch with her and she explains the she took the phone off the hook. While Josh and Reva are talking, Cassie is watching Richard and she suspects that she and Josh almost walked in on them. Because of the storm, they can't leave Cross Creek so they settle in to spend a very uncomfortable night together. In the morning, Richard again tells everyone that he's leaving. They assume he's leaving the country, but he's not. He goes to Springfield. After Richard leaves, Cassie tries to get Reva to open up to her about what almost happened between her and Richard, but Reva denies that anything happen and they leave. After Richard leaves Cross Creek, he goes to Springfield. He's planning on staying indefinitely. While he's there, he arranges a meeting with Phillip Spaulding, (portrayed by Grant Aleksander) Being the Prince of San Cristobel, he approaches Phillip about building a manufacturing plant on San Cristobel. In the meantime, Cassie is with Harley and she mentions that Richard was in town to talk to Phillip. Cassie is surprised to hear that Richard's in town and after she leaves Harley, she goes over to Towers to see Richard. When he answers the door, she demands to know what he's doing there when he said he was leaving for San Cristobel. He points out that he never said he was leaving for San Cristobel. She tells him again to go home and leave Reva alone. Richard wants to know why he should leave in Reva's so much in love with Josh. Cassie tells him that the simple fact of him being there will be a temptation for Reva. While they are arguing, Cassie asks to use his bathroom. He shows her where it is and while Cassie is in the bathroom, Reva arrives, demanding to know why he was in Springfield. Cassie over hears the conversation and Richard's hints about what almost happened between them at Cross Creek. Cassie comes out of bathroom, to demand that Reva answer Richard's question about what almost happened between them. Reva accuses Richard of hiding Cassie away to trap her into saying something. She asks Cassie to leave. Cassie tells her if she's leaving then Reva was coming with her. Richard is standing between them and the door. Cassie threatens to kick him unless he gets out of the way. He lets them leave. Once they are out of Richard's room, Reva attacks Cassie for stepping in. They argue and then Reva leaves. Richard is there and over hears the argument. He takes Cassie into his arms, comforting her. Cassie tries again to get him to leave Springfield. He wants to know why she so sure that Reva and Josh are meant to be together. While they are talking, he tries to explain what he and Catatherine had.