Richard Waitt
Richard Waitt was a Scottish painter.

Waitt was taught by John Scougal
John Scougal
John Scougal was an early Scottish painter.Of a respectable family, being a cousin to Patrick Scougal , Bishop of Aberdeen, John Scougal is said to have been born at Leith, where his father had a residence, and where several of his works were still in the Town Hall in the nineteenth century.In the...

, and started out as a decorative painter focusing mainly on still life
Still life
A still life is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural or man-made...

s. However later he painted primarily portraits, and for many years worked almost exclusively with the Clan Grant
Clan Grant
-Origins:The Grants are one of the clans of Siol Alpin, and descend from the 9th century Kenneth MacAlpin, King of Scots; and also of Norse origin, from settlers who are the descents of Haakon inn Riki Sigurdarsson , Jarl of Hladr, Protector of Norway ,-Origins:The Grants are one of the clans of...

. He died in 1732.
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