Born to a respected family in Beaufort, South Carolina
, he receive his early instruction from Dr. William T. Brautly. At the age of seventeen, Fuller entered Harvard University
in Massachusetts. Despite health problems, he graduated with his class in 1824.
Fuller became an attorney in South Carolina, but despite his success in that trade, he soon abandoned it for religious ministry.
"Having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them to the end." Often had they been faithless; and now, while addressing them, He knows that they will all in a few hours forsake Him. Yet He trusts them; He commits His cause to their keeping. And we must love as He loved.
Yes, we have throned Him in our minds and hearts — the cynosure of our wandering thoughts — the monarch of our warmest affections, hopes, desires. This we have done. And the more we meditate upon His astonishing love, His amazing sacrifice, the more we feel that if we had a thousand minds, hearts, souls, we would crown Him Lord of all. Living we will live in Him, for Him, to Him. Dying, we will clasp Him in our arms, and, with Simeon, welcome death as the consummation of Miss.
What will you do with Jesus? Do with Him did I say? O what, what will you do without Him f What, when affliction and anguish shall come upon you? what, when closing your eyelids in death? what, when appearing before the awful judgment-seat?
He is wisdom for your ignorance, strength for your weakness, righteousness for your guilt, sanctification for your corruption, redemption from all the thralldom of your apostasy.
A Christian is a man in Christ. "If any man be in Christ." A Christian is a man for Christ. "Glorify God in your body and spirit which are God's."
Christians are called saints, for their holiness; believers, for their faith; brethern, for their love; disciples, for their knowledge.
Count not that thou hast lived that day, in which thou hast not lived with God.