Richard Bryant (photographer)
Richard Bryant is an internationally respected architectural photographer, based in the UK. He was the first photographer to be granted an honorary fellowship of the RIBA. His London exhibition at Somerset House was so successful that it was extended twice and was described by UK comedian Ricky Gervais, in his blog Week sixty-one - April 2009 as "some of the best photos I've ever seen. They were all by a guy called Richard Bryant. If you know him tell him he's a genius."
His books include London Deluxe (2008); Carlo Scarpa, Gipsoteca Canoviana, Possagno (2002); A Garden & Three Houses (1999); Sir John Soane's Museum, London (1995); The New Moderns (1993); Living Museum (1993); Stansted (1992).
His books include London Deluxe (2008); Carlo Scarpa, Gipsoteca Canoviana, Possagno (2002); A Garden & Three Houses (1999); Sir John Soane's Museum, London (1995); The New Moderns (1993); Living Museum (1993); Stansted (1992).