- "Rhyacophiloidea" may also be the name of the entire "SpicipalpiaSpicipalpiaSpicipalpia is a suborder of Trichoptera, the caddisflies. The four families included in this suborder all have the character of pointed maxillary palps in the adults...
", when these are treated as a superfamily inside the AnnulipalpiaAnnulipalpiaAnnulipalpia is a suborder of Trichoptera. The name of the suborder refers to the flexible terminal segment of the adult maxillary palps, which often has many tiny rings. The larvae construct fixed retreats in freshwater aquatic environments. Most of the families are unique in spinning silken nets...
Rhyacophiloideais a superfamily in the insect order of Trichoptera
The caddisflies are an order, Trichoptera, of insects with approximately 12,000 described species. Also called sedge-flies or rail-flies, they are small moth-like insects having two pairs of hairy membranous wings...