Rhabdocarpais is a genus of mite
Mites, along with ticks, are small arthropods belonging to the subclass Acari and the class Arachnida. The scientific discipline devoted to the study of ticks and mites is called acarology.-Diversity and systematics:...

s in the family Parasitidae
Parasitidae is a family of predatory mites in the order Mesostigmata that has worldwide distribution. They are the only family in the superfamily Parasitoidea. Relatively large for mites, their color is often yellowish to dark brown. The family as a whole preys on a wide variety of microarthropods...



  • Rhabdocarpais bicuspidatus Athias-Henriot, 1981
  • Rhabdocarpais consanguineus (Oudemans & Voigts, 1904)
  • Rhabdocarpais cunicularis (Womersley, 1956)
  • Rhabdocarpais mammilatus (Berlese, 1904)
  • Rhabdocarpais mycophilus (Karg, 1965)
  • Rhabdocarpais oxymastax Athias-Henriot, 1981
  • Rhabdocarpais parvus Athias-Henriot, 1981
  • Rhabdocarpais spinatus Athias-Henriot, 1981
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