ResourceMiner is a commercial static code analysis tool for software architects and developers.
It graphically visualizes the static structure of single or multiple integrated applications written in
30+ legacy and modern languages and all major databases down to the details.
The code structure is displayed as TopDown and BottomUp dependency trees at different levels of abstraction;
System, Computer, Tier, Package, Object, Entry, Statement and Data.
UI of ResourceMiner makes it possible to perform and document any analytical tasks at abstraction levels
and scopes of interest. Frequently and/or complicated analysis tasks can be automated by using its API.
Multi metrics capabilities. Can be used to generate new source from the models in the ResourceMiner database.
ResourceMiner analyze, loads and index source files into a relational database for scalability and performance.
The add-on Refactor functonality makes it possible to define own rules for masschanges in the source.
It graphically visualizes the static structure of single or multiple integrated applications written in
30+ legacy and modern languages and all major databases down to the details.
The code structure is displayed as TopDown and BottomUp dependency trees at different levels of abstraction;
System, Computer, Tier, Package, Object, Entry, Statement and Data.
UI of ResourceMiner makes it possible to perform and document any analytical tasks at abstraction levels
and scopes of interest. Frequently and/or complicated analysis tasks can be automated by using its API.
Multi metrics capabilities. Can be used to generate new source from the models in the ResourceMiner database.
ResourceMiner analyze, loads and index source files into a relational database for scalability and performance.
The add-on Refactor functonality makes it possible to define own rules for masschanges in the source.