Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors (RLNR) (Tokyo Institute of Technology) is a research laboratory for nuclear reactor. For the purpose of studying nuclear science and its application, it was founded in 1956. Three years later, Atomic Science Laboratory, Cockcroft-Walton Accelerator and Atlas Mass Spectrograph were installed in RLNR. Throughout 1960s, many research laboratories were made such as Radio Isotope Laboratory and Nuclear Power Laboratory, and many related buildings were constructed. In 1990, it was reorganised as 3-board-division organisation, that is, Energy Engineering Division, Mass Transmutation Engineering Division and System and Safety Engineering Division (and currently, in addition to these divisions, International Nuclear Research Cooperation Centre and Research Cooperation Division exist). It consists of 10 professors, 1 guest professor, 10 associate professors, 12 assistant professors, 5 technical staff and 4 official staff. Since 2004, at the time when the national universities in Japan were semi-privatised, the important purpose of its researcch has been to solve golabal energy and environmental problems. The main 6 research fields are Frontier Research on Dispersion-Type Nuclear Energy System, Safety and Control of Nuclear Fusion System, Utilization of Nuclear Energy with High Efficiency, Safety Research of Nuclear Energy System, Development of Nuclear Frontiers by Accelerators (including studies on environment with ion beams) and Self-consistent Nuclear Energy System(SCNES).