Replicator may refer to various things related to replication
Replication may refer to:Science* Replication is one of the main principles of the scientific method, a.k.a. reproducibility** Replication , the repetition of a test or complete experiment...

 and self-replication
Self-replication is any behavior of a dynamical system that yields construction of an identical copy of that dynamical system. Biological cells, given suitable environments, reproduce by cell division. During cell division, DNA is replicated and can be transmitted to offspring during reproduction...

  • The theoretical basic unit of evolution in some schools of evolutionary theory
    Gene-centered view of evolution
    The gene-centered view of evolution, gene selection theory or selfish gene theory holds that evolution occurs through the differential survival of competing genes, increasing the frequency of those alleles whose phenotypic effects successfully promote their own propagation, with gene defined as...

  • Replicator (nanotechnology)
    Molecular assembler
    A molecular assembler, as defined by K. Eric Drexler, is a "proposed device able to guide chemical reactions by positioning reactive molecules with atomic precision". Some biological molecules such as ribosomes fit this definition. This is because they receive instructions from messenger RNA and...

  • Clanking replicator
    Clanking replicator
    A clanking replicator is an artificial self-replicating system that relies on conventional large-scale technology and automation. The term evolved to distinguish such systems from the microscopic "assemblers" that nanotechnology may make possible...

  • DNA replication
    DNA replication
    DNA replication is a biological process that occurs in all living organisms and copies their DNA; it is the basis for biological inheritance. The process starts with one double-stranded DNA molecule and produces two identical copies of the molecule...

In culture:
  • Replicator (Stargate)
    Replicator (Stargate)
    In the military science fiction series Stargate SG-1, the Replicators are antagonistic self-replicating machines that propagate by ingesting the metals that make up civilizations and use them to create either blocks that form the bug-like version or smaller cells that compose the human-form...

    , a fictional species in the Stargate universe
  • Replicator (Star Trek)
    Replicator (Star Trek)
    In Star Trek a replicator is a machine capable of creating objects. Replicators were originally seen used to synthesize meals on demand, but in later series they took on many other uses.-Origins and limitations:...

    , a fictional technology in the Star Trek universe
  • Replicator (band)
    Replicator (band)
    Replicator was a noise rock band from Oakland, California. The band consisted of Conan Neutron , Ben Adrian , and Chris Bolig...

    , a noise rock band from Oakland, California
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