Mimi: Would you light my candle?
Gentlemen, our benefactor on this Christmas Eve... whose charity is only matched by talent, I believe...a new member of the Alphabet City Avant-Garde: Angel... Dumott... Schunard!!!
Angel: We agreed on a fee, a thousand-dollar guarantee, tax-free — and a bonus, if I trimmed her tree. Now who could foretell that it would go so well? But sure as I am here that dog is now in doggie hell! After an hour — Evita — in all her glory on the window ledge of that 23RD story like Thelma and Louise did when they got the blues, swan dove into the Courtyard of the Gracie Mew.
Angel: Then back on the street where I met my sweet where he was moaning and groaning on the cold concrete the nurse took him home for some mercurochrome and I dressed his wounds and got him back on his feet.
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last.
Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.