Reminiscences of Yearning (2011 film)
Reminiscences of Yearning is an Iranian Experimental film
Experimental film
Experimental film or experimental cinema is a type of cinema. Experimental film is an artistic practice relieving both of visual arts and cinema. Its origins can be found in European avant-garde movements of the twenties. Experimental cinema has built its history through the texts of theoreticians...

 directed by Rouzbeh Rashidi
Rouzbeh Rashidi
Rouzbeh Rashidi is an Iranian avant-garde filmmaker associated with the Remodernist film movement....



Rouzbeh Rashidi made this film with no budget in diary-film style over a period of six years between 1998 to 2004. The film was shot with VHS and digital camera. Rouzbeh Rashidi re-shot most of the footage from a TV screen in order to create and emphasize on video texture. The film was completed in 2011.

Further reading

External links

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