Relocking device
A relocking device (a.k.a. "external relocker
") is an auxiliary locking device intended to be activated during an attempted burglary of a safe or vault. Such a device will keep a safe or vault locked even if the primary lock is defeated. This independent mechanism is designed to maintain the locked state of a safe even if the lock itself is destroyed. This auxiliary locking device usually consists of a spring-loaded bolt of some type, held in check by a bracket or cable that is rigged to release the mechanism in a burglary attempt. The device will either block the main boltwork from retracting or block the door from opening.
designed to melt and release the relocking device if the temperature inside the door exceeds a certain temperature (usually 65°C), as would happen in a torch attack.
A relocker is one of various mechanisms intended to keep a safe or vault locked in a burglary attempt.There are two basic classes of relockers:* Relock trigger , an internal relocker built into the primary lock...
") is an auxiliary locking device intended to be activated during an attempted burglary of a safe or vault. Such a device will keep a safe or vault locked even if the primary lock is defeated. This independent mechanism is designed to maintain the locked state of a safe even if the lock itself is destroyed. This auxiliary locking device usually consists of a spring-loaded bolt of some type, held in check by a bracket or cable that is rigged to release the mechanism in a burglary attempt. The device will either block the main boltwork from retracting or block the door from opening.
Thermal relocking devices
Designed as a defense against torch attacks, these are simply relocking devices equipped with a fusible linkFusible link
Fusible links include mechanical and electrical devices.A mechanical fusible link is a device consisting of two strips of metal soldered together with a fusible alloy that is designed to melt at a specific temperature, thus allowing the two pieces to separate...
designed to melt and release the relocking device if the temperature inside the door exceeds a certain temperature (usually 65°C), as would happen in a torch attack.