Regional Arts Australia
Regional Arts Australia is the national peak body for regional arts organisations throughout Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...

. Formed in 1966 as the Arts Council of Australia, it is a federation of the peak non-metropolitan community arts organisations in each of the Australian states and territories. It advocates better recognition and support for the regional, rural and remote arts sector in Australia. It initiates and manages projects to support regional artists, artsworkers and communities in arts practice, arts promotion and audience development in the regional and rural sectors.


The origin of the Arts Council movement in Australia was the New South Wales based Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts (CEMA) formed in 1943 by the singer Dorothy Helmrich modelled on the British organisation
Arts Council of Great Britain
The Arts Council of Great Britain was a non-departmental public body dedicated to the promotion of the fine arts in Great Britain. The Arts Council of Great Britain was divided in 1994 to form the Arts Council of England , the Scottish Arts Council, and the Arts Council of Wales...

 of the same name. In 1947 the New South Wales Division of CEMA decided to change its name to the Arts Council of Australia (NSW Division) with a view to establishing a national body. Lack of funding delayed that vision being realised until 1966. Arts Councils were formed in South Australia (1946, lapsed in 1952 and reformed in 1965), Tasmania (1951), the Australian Capital Territory (lapsed in 1952 and reformed in 1962), Queensland (1961), Victoria (1971), the Northern Territory (1967) and Western Australia (1973).

In 1998, the organisation changed its name to Regional Arts Australia.

Member organisations

The constituent members of Regional Arts Australia are:
State or Territory Organisation Website
New South Wales Regional Arts NSW
Northern Territory Arts NT
Queensland Queensland Arts Council
South Australia Country Arts SA
Tasmania Tasmanian Regional Arts
Victoria Regional Arts Victoria
Western Australia Country Arts WA

Alliances and associations

In 2003, it joined with four other peak industry bodies, the Federation of Australian Historical Societies
Federation of Australian Historical Societies
The Federation of Australian Historical Societies is the peak body for historical societies throughout Australia. It has eight constituent members, one in each of the Australian states and internal self-governing territories. It lobbies governments on behalf of the sector and has formed alliances...

, Museums Australia
Museums Australia
Museums Australia is the central professional organisation and peak council for museums and public art galleries in Australia. It advocates for the sector, provides a range of professional services to its members at a national, State and interest group level, including professional development and...

, the Australian Council of National Trusts
National Trust of Australia
The Australian Council of National Trusts is the peak body for community-based, non-government organisations committed to promoting and conserving Australia's indigenous, natural and historic heritage....

, and the Australian Libraries and Information Association, to form The Regional Cultural Alliance in order to "help regional artists gain greater access to skills development and training as well as present a united front when lobbying government ... to better co-ordinate existing programs for cultural development in the regions and recognise the economic opportunities art and culture create for regional centres."

Further reading

  • Dorothy Helmrich, The first twenty-five years : a study of the Arts Council of Australia, (Sydney, Southwood Press, 1968)

External links

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