Red ear syndrome
Red ear syndrome is a rare disorder of unknown etiology which was originally described in 1994. It typically involves pain in and around the ear including the pinna
In animal anatomy, the pinna is the visible part of the ear that resides outside of the head ....

 and associated autonomic phenomena
Autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system is the part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as a control system functioning largely below the level of consciousness, and controls visceral functions. The ANS affects heart rate, digestion, respiration rate, salivation, perspiration, diameter of the pupils,...

. The most significant symptom of Red ear syndrome of is cutaneous erythema
Erythema is redness of the skin, caused by hyperemia of the capillaries in the lower layers of the skin. It occurs with any skin injury, infection, or inflammation...

 of the ear ipsilateral to the pain. It is believed this syndrome may represent an auriculo
The ear is the organ that detects sound. It not only receives sound, but also aids in balance and body position. The ear is part of the auditory system....

-autonomic cephalgia and/or be part of the group of disorders known as trigeminal autonomic cephalgias which includes cluster headaches.
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