Raphael Isaiah Azulai
Raphael Isaiah Azulai was a rabbi
In Judaism, a rabbi is a teacher of Torah. This title derives from the Hebrew word רבי , meaning "My Master" , which is the way a student would address a master of Torah...

 in Ancona
Ancona is a city and a seaport in the Marche region, in central Italy, with a population of 101,909 . Ancona is the capital of the province of Ancona and of the region....

, until is death ca. 1830. He was a son of Chaim Joseph David Azulai
Chaim Joseph David Azulai
Chaim Joseph David Azulai ben Isaac Zerachia , commonly known as the Chida , was a Jerusalem born rabbinical scholar, a noted bibliophile, and a pioneer in the publication of Jewish religious writings.- Biography :Azulai was born in Jerusalem, where he received his education...

. One of his daughters married Abraham Pardo, son of the renowned rabbi David Pardo
David Pardo
David Pardo was an 18th century Italian rabbi who lived for some time in Sarajevo and Jerusalem. Among other things, he authored a commentary on the Sifra on Leviticus....

; and her grandson Moses Pardo was rabbi of Alexandria from 1871 to 1888. He was the author of a number of responsa
Responsa comprise a body of written decisions and rulings given by legal scholars in response to questions addressed to them.-In the Roman Empire:Roman law recognised responsa prudentium, i.e...

and decisions, which appeared partly under the title Tiferet Mosheh (The Splendor of Moses), and partly in the Zikron Mosheh of his son Moses (No. 10).
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