, producer
, musician
and singer from Grand Rapids, Michigan
Ralston Bowles was born on August 31, 1952 to parents, Buel Bowles of Green Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
(1913-2002) and May Jean Morgan of Vincennes, Indiana
Bowles wrote the songs "Fragile", recorded by Peter Mulvey
and Caroline Aiken
, and "Grace", based on a book by author Philip Yancey
, What's So Amazing About Grace?. Bowles wrote the latter song after reading a pre-publication galley of the book.
"We are Fragile, everyone. We all long for something more. Things are said and things are done and the pieces hit the floor. See how fragile."
"I am not who I would like to be, It's just who I am right now."
"I am but a draper in a room of wool, looking at the patterns, feeling like a fool. I'm going to take my fabric, stretch it to the seams, I want to find what's woven underneath these tailored dreams"
"When I go let it be like James Dean, I don't want to die slow."
"These carwreck conversations always seem to end this way, with me knocked out on the gurney and you serenely pull away."
"I just believe that life is more than rehearsing how to die."
"If heaven is the reason and dieing is the door, than why aren't we all leaving what's the drama for?"
"When did he cross that line from a person to a textile shrine?"