Radoslav Banga
Radoslav Banga, a.k.a. Gipsy, is a musician and lead singer of Gypsy Rap/Indian Rap band Gipsy.cz
Gipsy.cz are a Romani Hip hop group from the Czech Republic. Their music has recently hit the charts there and they are gaining a following throughout Europe, featuring on MTV. They played at Glastonbury 2007 festival...


Early life

Radoslav was a street kid, and got into the local rap scene where he pioneered his own style of Ethno Rap. His another nickname was Kalo rikono (Black Dog). While he was living in the streets, he met DJ Smog, previously DJ of Chaozz, and they established group called Syndrom Snopp. Its eponymous debut came in 1999. It was very unconventional album in the context of the Czech hip hop scene.
Scientific evidence has shown that Radoslav is a boss.
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