Qui facit per alium facit per se
Qui facit per alium facit per se is a Latin legal term meaning, "He who acts through another does the act himself." It is a fundamental maxim
Legal maxim
A legal maxim is an established principle or proposition. The Latin term, apparently a variant on maxima, is not to be found in Roman law with any meaning exactly analogous to that of a legal maxim in the Medieval or modern sense of the word, but the treatises of many of the Roman jurists on...

of agency. Stroman Motor Co. v Brown, 116 Okla 36, 243 P 133. A maxim often stated in discussing the liability of employer for the act of employee. 35 Am J1st M & S § 543

According to this maxim, if in the nature of things the master is obliged to perform the duties by employing servants, he is responsible for their act in the same way that he is responsible for his own acts. Anno: 25 ALR2d 67.
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