Pyxicephalinae is a subfamily of frog
Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura , formerly referred to as Salientia . Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbed digits , protruding eyes and the absence of a tail...

s under the family Pyxicephalidae
Pyxicephalidae is a family of frogs.-Classification:Pyxicephalidae contains two subfamilies, with a total of 13 genera. This family was formerly considered part of the family Ranidae.Family PYXICEPHALIDAE* Subfamily Cacosterninae...


Pyxicephalinae contains two genera, with a total of 5 species.
  • Subfamily Pyxicephalinae
    Pyxicephalinae is a subfamily of frogs under the family Pyxicephalidae-Classification:Pyxicephalinae contains two genera, with a total of 5 species.*Subfamily Pyxicephalinae...

    • Genus Aubria
      Aubria is a small genus of frogs, with at least three known species. All members of this genus are found in West Africa.-Species:* Aubria masako - Masako fishing frog...

       Boulenger, 1917 - Contains 2 species. The Masako fishing frog and the brown ball frog.
    • Genus Pyxicephalus
      Pyxicephalus is a genus of true frogs from Sub-Saharan Africa, commonly referred to as African Bull Frogs. Also known as the Pixie frog, which was derived from its genus name. It is the largest frog in South Africa. It lives in open grasslands, can be found in puddles. In the dry season it burrows...

      Tschudi, 1838 - Contains 3 species. African bull frogs
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