Purvesvara Siva Temple
Purvesvara Siva Temple
is located in Kancha Sahi, in Old Town of Bhubaneswar. It is 300 metres.east of Lingaraja temple on the left side of the road leading to Garej chowk. The temple is facing towards west. The enshrining deity is a broken Lingam within a circularYonipitha at the centre of the sanctum, which is 1.07 metres below the present ground level. It is a living temple and now under the care and maintenance of Purvesvara Temple Development Association of that
locality. The caretaker of the temple is Dipu Panigrahi. According to local tradition, the presiding deity is known as Purvesvara as it is situated towards the east of Lingaraj. The other temples in the three directions are Uttartesvara in north, Barunesvara in south, and Paschimesvara in west. It is maintained by the Purvesvara Temple Development
Association.It was built in 13th century AD.Vimana is not ascertained due to the absence of superstructure; jagamohana is in pidha order. Built in the matured phase of temple building tradition of Orissa. Various rituals are observed here such as Sivaratri, Sankranti, and Rudraviseka etc.
The temple is surrounded by a compound wall and a modern kitchen is there in the south-eastern corner. The temple is facing towards west. The superstructure of the vimana has collapsed sincelong. What exists at present is the pabhaga portion and the renovated jagamohana. A G.I.
sheet roof has been erected over the sanctum. The temple stands on a low pista which is
partially buried measuring 12.15 metres in length x 7.40 metres in width and 0.25 metres in height.
On plan, the temple originally had a vimana and a jagamohana. The vimana is pancharatha
where as jagamohana is navaratha as featured by a central raha with a pair of anuraha,
anuratha, pratiratha and kanika pagas on either side of the raha of the jagamohana. The
temple measures 15.00 metres in length and 7.20 metres in width. The vimana and jagamohana
measures 6.95 square metres and 7.20 square metres respectively. The ganthiala measures
0.85 metres in length. The cella measures 3.32 square metres. The sanctum is 1.07 metres below
the present floor level of the jagamohana. The pabhaga has five base mouldings —
khura, kumbha, pata, kani, and basanta — measuring 1.16 metres in height. In elevation,
jagamohana is of pidha order that measures 7.00 metres. The bada measuring 3.07 metres has
fivefold divisions namely pabhaga (0. 77 metres), talajangha (0.72 metres), bandhana (0.28
metres), upara jangha (0.78 metres) and baranda (0.52 metres). The bandhana has three mouldings
whereas the baranda has five mouldings. The pyramidal gandi of the jagamohana has eleven
receding tiers measuring 3.93 metres in height and set in two potalas. The lower potala has six
tiers where as the upper potala has five tiers. Since the bada above the pabhaga is non-existent, there is no raha niche.
The pabhaga of the vimana and jagamohana in the raha paga portion is decorated with miniature rekha deul flanked by khakhara mundi pilaster. Above the pabhaga, there are balustrade windows in the northern and southern wall of jagamohana that measures 1.00 metres in height and 1.15 metres in width. The miniature rekha angasikharas are used as decorative motifs both in the tala and upara jangha in the anuraha and anuratha pagas. As far as pratiratha is concerned, it bears khakhara mundi pilaster in talajangha and pidha mundi pilaster in upara jangha. Similar type of decoration is found in the kanika paga. The original door jambs and lintel are non-existent in both the vimana and jagamohana. The recent renovations done by Orissa State Archaeology
have replaced them with plain doorjambs and lintel. The pabhaga of vimana indicates that it was a pancharatha temple where as the jagamohana is navaratha.
Current Status
Growth of vegetation on the gandi of the jagamohana facilitating rainwater seepage into the structure Cracks are visible on the superstructure of the jagamohana.The Orissa State Archaeology under X & XI Finance
Commission Award repaired the temple. No major repair is required now. However, the
monument needs care to prevent the growth of vegetation in the superstructure. The cracks
may be sealed by adopting suitable conservation strategy.
Threats to the property: Growth of vegetation on the superstructure. Compound wall: There is a compound wall measuring 35.75 metres in length x18.35 metres in breadth and 1.70 metres in height with a thickness of 0.50 metres made of dressed laterite blocks. The compound has an entrance in the southern corner. Temple fragments and broken images are found in the temple precinct and right above the compound wall of all sides. The head of a divinity is found in the western precinct of the temple.
www.eodissa.comBook: Lesser Known Monuments of Bhubaneswar by Dr. Sadasiba Pradhan (ISBN: 81-7375-164-1)