Punctate porokeratosis
Not to be confused with Spiny keratoderma
Spiny keratoderma
Spiny keratoderma is an autosomal dominant keratoderma of late onset that develops in patients aged 12 to 50, characterized by multiple tiny keratotic plugs, mimicking the spines on a music box, involving the entire palmoplantar surfaces....

 (also known as "Porokeratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris," "Punctate keratoderma," and "Punctate porokeratosis of the palms and soles")

Punctate porokeratosis is a skin condition associated with either the classic porokeratosis Mibelli or linear porokeratosis
Linear porokeratosis
Linear porokeratosis is characterized clinically by basic skin lesions that are identical to those of classic porokeratosis Mibelli, including lichenoid papules, annular lesions, hyperkeratotic plaques with central atrophy, and the characteristic peripheral ridge....

 types of porokeratosis
Porokeratosis is a specific disorder of keratinization that is characterized histologically by the presence of a cornoid lamella, a thin column of closely stacked, parakeratotic cells extending through the stratum corneum with a thin or absent granular layer....

, and is characterized by multiple, minute, and discrete punctate, hyperkeratotic, seed-like skin lesions surrounded by a thin, raised margin on the palms and soles.
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