Pulak Biswas
Pulak Biswas is a leading artist and children's book illustrator from India.


After training at the Government College of Art, Kolkata, Biswas worked for many years in the advertising industry. He was the recipient of an UNESCO fellowship for advanced studies in Graphic Design and Illustration. He also studied at Hornsey College, London
Hornsey College of Art
Hornsey College of Art is a former college centred in Crouch End, London, England. Since 2008, the building has been a part of Coleridge Primary School, upon its expansion to four form entry...

, and the Rietvald Academy, Amsterdam
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
-Profile:More than 45% of the student population comes from abroad, originating from over 60 different countries around the world. Most of the classes are in English...


He has also held several solo and group exhibitions in India and Europe.

Children's Literature

In the 80s, Pulak Biswas left a lucrative career in advertising graphics and joined
the cartoonist K. Shankar Pillai
K. Shankar Pillai
Kesava Shankara Pillai , better known as Shankar, was an Indian cartoonist. He is considered as the father of political cartooning in India...

 at the Children's Book Trust
Children's Book Trust
Children’s Book Trust is a book publisher in India. It was founded by one of the India’s most celebrated cartoonist Keshav Shankar Pillai, popularly known as Shankar in 1957. It came to be housed in Nehru House and was inaugurated by the President of India Dr. S...

, New Delhi.
In 1992-93, he won the National Award for Children's Literature in for Ashok's New Friend (written by Deepa Agarwal).

In 1999, his Tiger on a tree written by [Anushka Ravishankar], won the Biennial of Illustration Bratislava
Biennial of Illustration Bratislava
The Biennial of Illustration Bratislava is one of the oldest international honours for children's book illustrators. First granted in 1967 to Yasuo Segawa , it is one of the more prestigious children's book awards today, along with Hans Christian Andersen Award...

, and in 2005 was listed in the American Library Association
American Library Association
The American Library Association is a non-profit organization based in the United States that promotes libraries and library education internationally. It is the oldest and largest library association in the world, with more than 62,000 members....

’s List of Notable Books.
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