Psycle is a modular music production application to make music on Windows. Based on the tracker interface (the vertical timeline sequencer) but featuring up-to-date features like VST
Virtual Studio Technology
Steinberg's Virtual Studio Technology is an interface for integrating software audio synthesizer and effect plugins with audio editors and hard-disk recording systems. VST and similar technologies use digital signal processing to simulate traditional recording studio hardware with software...

 compatibility and 96 kHz / 32bit wav
Waveform Audio File Format , is a Microsoft and IBM audio file format standard for storing an audio bitstream on PCs...


Psycle is an open source program, and is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The Psycledelics website is a community driven portal concerning Psycle, containing program development status, Questions and Answers, links to current file versions, source code and a discussion board.


Psycle was created by the late Juan Antonio Arguelles Rius
Juan Antonio Arguelles Rius
Juan Antonio Arguelles Rius , also known as Arguru , was a prolific music software programmer and electronic musician, producer and songwriter, responsible for such applications as NoiseTrekker and Directwave...

 (Arguru), coding the program in May 2000 until version 1.0, which he then released as Public Domain
Public domain
Works are in the public domain if the intellectual property rights have expired, if the intellectual property rights are forfeited, or if they are not covered by intellectual property rights at all...

. Early versions focused on the Jeskola Buzz
Jeskola Buzz
Jeskola Buzz is a freeware modular software music studio environment designed to run on Microsoft Windows via Microsoft .NET. It is centered around a modular plugin-based machine view and a multiple pattern sequencer tracker .Buzz consists of a plugin architecture that allows the audio to be routed...

-influenced modular 'machine' paradigm: each pattern was linked to a machine, and the individual patterns were then arranged in the sequencer to make a song. Subsequent versions made Psycle into a more classical-style tracker, only keeping the Machine View. Each song position defined in the sequencer was linked to one pattern used to enter notes and data for all machines at the same time. The Psycledelics community took the source code from the public domain version and forked development to Open Source. Psycle has matured and is currently at version 1.10. Since the program supports the VST 2.0 standard, all stages of production can be accomplished - from mixing to mastering.

Psycle 2 and Psycle II

There have been multiple Psycle 2 projects in the history of the project, none of them have seen the light of day. There have been a few developments regarding big plans and setups, of which most information has been lost over the years, only small bits of information are found around the forums and archive sites of the internet. Most projects have the goal of being truly multiplatform software, and being built on only free and open source software. Psycle II also focused on more technical features like a full featured scripting engine and full modularity everywhere. This made the project look very promising and cutting edge.


Of all the spin-offs from the Psycle project, QPsycle is the one that is currently in development. Since this is a big project, there is still a lot of work to be done but currently this application is not in a usable state. QPsycle is using the libraries from psycle, making most of the audio engine very complete. The software is being built using QT, a crossplatform GUI toolkit. Using QT and different sound engines, enables the software to run on a wide angle of operating systems. When starting this project, sharing code with the main Psycle application has been one of the most important steps to guarantee the future of both projects, and thus preventing similar events like have occurred within the Psycle 2 and Psycle II development cycles. However the project still is very low on developers, so progress is not happening very fast.

Psycle in printed media

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.