Pseudopalatinae was a subfamily
Family (biology)
In biological classification, family is* a taxonomic rank. Other well-known ranks are life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, genus, and species, with family fitting between order and genus. As for the other well-known ranks, there is the option of an immediately lower rank, indicated by the...

 of crocodile
A crocodile is any species belonging to the family Crocodylidae . The term can also be used more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia: i.e...

-like archosaur
Archosaurs are a group of diapsid amniotes whose living representatives consist of modern birds and crocodilians. This group also includes all extinct non-avian dinosaurs, many extinct crocodilian relatives, and pterosaurs. Archosauria, the archosaur clade, is a crown group that includes the most...

s called phytosaur
Phytosaurs are an extinct group of large semi-aquatic Late Triassic archosaurs. Phytosaurs belong to the family Phytosauridae and the order Phytosauria. They were long-snouted and heavily armoured, bearing a remarkable resemblance to modern crocodiles in size, appearance, and lifestyle, an example...

s. As with all other phytosaurs, pseudopalatines lived during Late Triassic
Late Triassic
The Late Triassic is in the geologic timescale the third and final of three epochs of the Triassic period. The corresponding series is known as the Upper Triassic. In the past it was sometimes called the Keuper, after a German lithostratigraphic group that has a roughly corresponding age...

. The name is derived from the genus Pseudopalatus
Pseudopalatus is an extinct genus of pseudopalatine phytosaur. It was assigned to Parasuchia in 2005. Specimens have been found from Arizona and New Mexico and are of Norian age...


A recent phylogenetic analysis found that the genera Pseudopalatus, Mystriosuchus
Mystriosuchus is an extinct genus of phytosaur that lived in the Late Triassic in Europe. It was first named by Eberhard Fraas in 1896, and includes two species: M. westphali and the type species, M. planirostris...

, Redondasaurus
Redondasaurus is a genus of phytosaur from the Late Triassic of North America. Translated, the name Redondasaurus means "Redonda lizard," referring to the Redonda Formation of east-central New Mexico, USA. It was first named by Hunt & Lucas in 1993, and contains one species, R. gregorii...

and Nicrosaurus
Nicrosaurus is an extinct genus of phytosaur reptile. Although it looked and probably lived like a crocodile, it was not closely related to these creatures, instead being a good example of parallel evolution...

were pseudopalatines.
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