Pseudochromis fridmani
Fridmani Pseudochromis, also known as Fridman's Dottyback, is a popular saltwater aquarium fish from the red sea.
It is a moderately aggressive fish which will sometimes harass small, passive, fish and shrimp. It can be quite territorial meaning it is best to only keep one in an aquarium. If more than one is kept in an aquarium it is important that they are added at the same time. Despite its hardy nature, it also must not be placed in an aquarium with larger predatory fish such as lion fish, and grouper which will often see it as a food source.
A small fish that reaches three inches in length. It is Magenta with a black stripe running from the back of the eye to the lip.In the Aquarium
Fridmani Pseudochromis is a hardy member of a saltwater aquarium. As one of the few saltwater fish that can be bred in captivity. Use of tank bred individuals in aquariums is encouraged to reduce the pressure on wild populations. Thirty gallons is typically quoted as the minimum tank size required to permanently house this fish.It is a moderately aggressive fish which will sometimes harass small, passive, fish and shrimp. It can be quite territorial meaning it is best to only keep one in an aquarium. If more than one is kept in an aquarium it is important that they are added at the same time. Despite its hardy nature, it also must not be placed in an aquarium with larger predatory fish such as lion fish, and grouper which will often see it as a food source.