Pseudobiceros is a genus of flatworm
The flatworms, known in scientific literature as Platyhelminthes or Plathelminthes are a phylum of relatively simple bilaterian, unsegmented, soft-bodied invertebrate animals...

s. Like all flatworms, Pseudobiceros are hermaphrodite
In biology, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes.Many taxonomic groups of animals do not have separate sexes. In these groups, hermaphroditism is a normal condition, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which both...

s. This particular genus engages in penis fencing
Penis fencing
Penis fencing is a mating behavior engaged in by certain species of flatworm, such as Pseudobiceros hancockanus. Species which engage in the practice are hermaphroditic; each individual has both egg-producing ovaries and sperm-producing testes....

. When the "winner" touches its penis to the 'skin' of the other, insemination occurs, and the "loser" has to bear the burden of motherhood.


Species include:
  • Pseudobiceros bedfordi
    Pseudobiceros bedfordi
    Pseudobiceros bedfordi, is a species of flatworm in the family Pseudocerotidae....

     (Laidlaw, 1903)
  • Pseudobiceros cinereus (Palombi, 1931)
  • Pseudobiceros evelinae (Marcus, 1950)
  • Pseudobiceros ferrugineus (Hyman, 1959)
  • Pseudobiceros flavomarginatus (Laidlaw, 1902)
  • Pseudobiceros fulvogriseus (Hyman, 1959)
  • Pseudobiceros gardinieri (Laidlaw, 1902)
  • Pseudobiceros gloriosus
  • Pseudobiceros hancockanus
    Pseudobiceros hancockanus
    Pseudobiceros hancockanus is a species of hermaphroditic flatworm in the family Pseudocerotidae.-Description:According to the Baensch Marine Atlas, "P. hancockanus is intense blue to black with white and orange peripheral bands and a purple fringe. The two short cephalic antennaie are easily...

     (Collingwood, 1876)
  • Pseudobiceros izuensis (Kato, 1944)
  • Pseudobiceros micronesianus (Hyman, 1955)
  • Pseudobiceros miniatus (Schmarda, 1859)
  • Pseudobiceros nigromarginatus (Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918)
  • Pseudobiceros philippinensis (Kaburaki, 1923)
  • Pseudobiceros rubrocinctus (Schmarda, 1859)
  • Pseudobiceros schmardae Faubel, 1984
  • Pseudobiceros splendidus (Lang, 1884)
  • Pseudobiceros strigosus (Marcus, 1950)
  • Pseudobiceros undulatus (Kelaart, 1858)
  • Pseudobiceros viridis (Kelaart, 1858)

External links

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