Prostatic sinus
On either side of the urethral crest
Urethral crest
The urethal crest is an anatomical feature present in the urinary system of both males and females.In males, the urethral crest is known as the crista urethralis masculinae, or the crista phallica,...

 is a slightly depressed fossa
Fossa (anatomy)
In anatomical terminology, fossa has come to mean a depression or hollow, in general, in a bone. Other parts of the body may be involved, for example, the antecubital fossa...

, the prostatic sinus, the floor of which is perforated by numerous apertures, the orifices of the prostatic ducts
Prostatic ducts
The prostatic ducts open into the floor of the prostatic portion of the urethra, and are lined by two layers of epithelium, the inner layer consisting of columnar and the outer of small cubical cells....

 from the lateral lobes of the prostate
The prostate is a compound tubuloalveolar exocrine gland of the male reproductive system in most mammals....


External links

- "The Male Pelvis: The Prostate Gland"
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