whose value is derived from the value of an underlying real estate
asset. In practice, because real estate assets fall victim to market inefficiencies and are hard to accurately price, property derivative contracts are typically written based on a real estate property index. In turn, the real estate property index attempts to aggregate real estate market information to provide a more accurate representation of underlying real estate asset performance.
Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you: they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm. You may wonder who I am or why I say this. Sit down and I will tell you a tale like none you have ever heard. [First and Last lines in the Trilogy].
Father, I have brought us honour and glory.
Trust not a man who has betrayed his master, nor take him into your own service, lest he betray you too. I learned the truth of this, to my sorrow, the day we arrived in Azad as the Sultan's honoured guests.
When a man is faced with his own death, he finds the impossible less of a barrier.
He now had his prize, but for some unknown reason coveted the Dagger as well. Well, I would give him what he sought. I would plunge it into his foul and treacherous heart!
I could marry her! After all, she is a Maharajah's daughter. A conquered one, but still, her blood is royal. . . . All right, I've decided. I will marry her. I'll tell her the first chance I get.
My father's army sacked your palace, captured you as a slave; you have every reason to hate me...now you want me to trust you?
I had faced my enemy, I had looked into his eyes, and I had lost...everything.
....and though I fought until the desert sands themselves were red with blood; I could not bring back the dead.