Profiles in Terror
Profiles in Terror: A Guide to Middle East Terrorist Organizations is a 2004 book by Aaron Mannes
Aaron Mannes
Aaron Mannes is an American writer living in suburban Maryland. In addition to authoring Profiles in Terror: A Guide to Middle East Terrorist Organizations , he has written on Middle East affairs and terrorism for numerous publications including Policy Review, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The...

. It profiles more than twenty terrorist organizations operating in the Middle East
Middle East
The Middle East is a region that encompasses Western Asia and Northern Africa. It is often used as a synonym for Near East, in opposition to Far East...

 and their affiliate
An affiliate is a commercial entity with a relationship with a peer or a larger entity.- Corporate structure :A corporation may be referred to as an affiliate of another when it is related to it but not strictly controlled by it, as with a subsidiary relationship, or when it is desired to avoid...

 groups worldwide, describing their characteristics: ideology and objectives; history; leadership; organization; external relations; financial support networks; target and tactics; external relations; a chronology of significant events and attacks; and references for each group.

The book was published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers in 2004 as a 392-page hardcover (ISBN 0-7425-3525-8). It was published in cooperation with JINSA Press (an imprint of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit think-tank focusing on issues of United States and Israel in national security. JINSA's stated aim is threefold: to ensure a strong and effective U.S...

) as a JINSA book.

External links

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