Prix Nocturne
The Prix Nocturne is a French
French people
The French are a nation that share a common French culture and speak the French language as a mother tongue. Historically, the French population are descended from peoples of Celtic, Latin and Germanic origin, and are today a mixture of several ethnic groups...

 literary prize founded in 1962 by Roland Stragliati and revived in 2006 by the review "Le nouvel Attila".. It is awarded each November to recognise fantastic or unusual works.


  • 1962 - Leo Perutz
    Leo Perutz
    Leopold Perutz was an Austrian novelist and mathematician. He was born in Prague and was thus a citizen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire...

    , Le Marquis de Bolibar (Albin Michel, 1930)
  • 1963 - Bruno Schulz
    Bruno Schulz
    Bruno Schulz was a Polish writer, fine artist, literary critic and art teacher born to Jewish parents, and regarded as one of the great Polish-language prose stylists of the 20th century. Schulz was born in Drohobycz, in the province of Galicia then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and spent...

    , Le Traité des mannequins (Éditions Julliard, 1961)
  • 1966 - Hugues Rebell
    Hugues Rebell
    Georges Grassal de Choffat or Hugues Rebell was a French author. He wrote against Christianity and professed paganism while remaining a Catholic...

    , Les Nuits chaudes du Cap français (La Plume, 1902)
  • 2006 - Giovanni Papini
    Giovanni Papini
    Giovanni Papini was an Italian journalist, essayist, literary critic, poet, and novelist.-Early life:...

    , Gog (Flammarion, 1932)
  • 2007 - Ramon Sender
    Ramon Sender
    Ramon Sender Barayón is a composer, writer and the co-founder, with Morton Subotnick, of the San Francisco Tape Music Center in 1961. He studied with George Copeland, Elliott Carter, and Robert Erickson....

    , Noces Rouges (Seghers, 1947)
  • 2008 - Miodrag Bulatovic
    Miodrag Bulatovic
    Miodrag Bulatović was a Montenegrin Serb novelist and playwright...

    , Le coq rouge (Seuil, 1963)
  • 2009 - André Laurie, Spiridon le muet (Rouff, 1908)
  • 2010 - Ermanno Cavazzoni, Cirenaica (Einaudi, 1999)
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