Petya Koleva, famous under her stage name – Preslava, is a Bulgarian pop-folk singer. She was born on June 26th, 1984, in Dobrich, Bulgaria. Preslava completed her musical education with the specialty ‘folk singing’.
The following year, 2005, she won the award ‘Début of 2004’ at the “4th Annual Awards of Planets TV’. Preslava made her biggest hit – “Dyavolsko jelanie” (Devil desire) which made thousands of people her fans. She was invited to participate in “Planeta Prima 2005”, Planeta Payner’s summer tour. A new album was released, this time called “Dyavolsko jelanie”. The hit songs from this album were: “Finalni dumi” (Final words), “Nyamam pravo” (I have no right), “Bezrazlichna” (Unimpressed), as well as the main song.
Later, in 2006, Preslava won the awards “Most Prosperous Performer of 2005" and "Song of 2005" ( for "Devil desire")at the “5th Annual Awards of Planeta TV”. She released the song “I kogato sumne” (And when dawn comes), which again became another big hit. Preslava became advertising face of mastic “Karnobatska” and released the advertising song – “Preday se na jelanieto” (Give up to the desire). She enjoyed great success and it was no surprise she again participated in the summer tour. The summer of 2006 was also the time in which her duet with Boris Dali appeared. It was called “Purvi v surceto” (First in heart). After hits like “Zaklevam te” (I swear you) and “Umorih se” (I’m tired), she again hit the top with her new album – “Intriga” (Intrigue). Its pilot song – “Luja e” (It’s a lie), a rock entry, remains one of the most emblematic songs in her career.
Preslava started the new year with a song from her last album. The song was called “Nishto drugo” (Nothing else). At the ceremony of “5th Annual Awards of Planeta TV”, she won the following prizes: ‘Female Singer of 2006’ and ‘Song of 2006’ (I kogato sumne). A bit after that, she again took part in commercial for mastic “Karnobatska” and released a continuation of the first advertising song. Predictably, the new song was called “Preday se na jelanieto 2”. Preslava again participated in the summer tour. That was the reason to release a new song – “Muj na horizonta” (Man on the horizon). 2007 can be considered as the most successful year for Preslava. Another proof for that are the mega hit “Moyat nov lyubovnik” (My new lover) as well as her new album “Ne sum angel” (I’m not an angel) which was ranked gold. Every song in it became hit. A videos for the main song and the song “Posleden adres” (Last address) were also made.
As every year, 2008 began with new awards for Preslava. She received the awards for ‘Female Singer of 2007’ as well as ‘Song of 2007’ (Laja e). Preslava released the song “Ostavi mi” (Leave me) which was thought to be the song of Bulgaria in the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 but, unfortunately, this didn’t come to reality. She was again one of the stars of the tour “Planeta Derby Plus 2008” and this can be proved by the fact she closed the show. Until the end of the year, She released two songs which were accompanied by videos -“Novata ti” (Your new one) and “Ot dobrite momicheta” (One of the good girls).
Preslava won the following awards at the “7th Annual Awards of Planeta TV” – ‘Female Singer of 2008’, ‘Album of 2008’ (Ne sum angel; although it appeared in 2007, it was still the most sold in 2008) and ‘Most Artistic Presence in Video’ (Novata ti). She was also invited to the festival “Montefolk” in Montenegro where she got the following award “Biggest Bulgarian Star” getting 90% of the votes. Along with the ceremony, she released the song “Chervena tochka” (Red point). Preslava also appears for a week in “VIP Brother 3”. Two new songs appear – her second duet with Boris Dali – “Burzo li govorya” (Am I talking fast?) as well as “Zle razpredeleni” (Poorly distributed). During the summer tour, Preslava presents her new hits – “Pazi se ot priyatelki” (Be aware from friends) and “Fenomen” (Phenomenon) which reminds of her mega hit “Luja e”. After two years, Preslava presents her new album - “Pazi se ot priyatelki”. Until the end of the year, she releases two duets with Konstantin – “Useshtane za Merilyn” (Feeling for Merilyn) and “Ne mi prechi” (Don’t interfere me).
2010 started very happy for Preslava – she won for 4th time in a row the award ‘Female Singer of 2009”. Other awards for her on the “8th Annual Awards of Planeta TV” were: ‘Album of 2009’ as well as ‘Duet of 2009’ (Ne mi prechi). She released her new song – “Dishay” (Breath) who became big hit. Preslava announced she will not release any songs this year except songs with big potential to become hits. That’s why she had only 3 songs that year: “Piya za tebe” (Drinking for you), a duet, this time with Elena. That was one of the biggest hits of the summer. Other song which became big hit, was “Jenite sled men” (The women after me), as well as “Mrusno i poleka” (Dirty and gently).
The first song of 2011 in Bulgaria was Preslava’s new song – “Kak ti stoi” (How does it match to you) which first air was in 01:11 AM. It was written by Costi who made most of the 2010 hits.Then Preslava record song with Galena witch name is “Hayde , otkazhi me” (Come on, refuse me) . The video is filmed in Dubai .
Hits: Njmas Syrce,
Mrazja Te,
Mili Moj.
(2005) Djavolsko Zhelanie
Hits: Djavolsko zhelanie,
Zavinagi Tvoja,
Finalni Dumi.
(2006) Intriga
Hits: I Kogato Symne,
Lyzha e,
Predaj Se Na Zhelanieto.
(2007) Ne Sym Angel
Hits: Myzh Na Horizonta,
Mojat Nov Ljubovnik,
Predaj Se Na Zhelanieto II.
(2009) Pazi se ot priatelki
Hits: Chervena Tochka,
Silnite Muje,
Zle Razpredeleni.
(2011) Kak ti stoi
Hits: Mrusno i poleka,
Kato za final.
The special award of "Folk fest Valandovo 2004"
The debut of а folk performer - Festival "Ohridski trabaduri"
3rd place of the jury
The hit of the year - award of "Nov folk" magazine
The debut of the year - award of "Nov folk" magazine
The best advancing performer - annual awards of "Planeta" TV
The best song of the year "Djavolsko zhelanie" ("Devil's desire") - annual awards of "Planeta" TV
The best advancing young performer - annual awards of "Planeta" TV
The best song of the year "Djavolsko zhelanie" ("Devil's desire") - award of "Nov folk" magazine
The best album of the year "Djavolsko zhelanie" ("Devil's desire") - award of "Nov folk" magazine
The best performer - annual awards of "Planeta" TV
The best song of the year "I kogato symne" ("When the sun rises") - annual awards of "Planeta" TV
The best performer - award of "Nov folk" magazine
The most artistic presence in the implementation of video : Preslava - Novata ti
Album of 2008 : Preslava Ne sym angel
Best singer of 2008 : Preslava
Preslava's first performance was with Milko Kalaydjiev (claimed as her mentor) and the song “Nezhen reket” (Gentle racketeering). Her first solo song was called “Tazi nosht". Her first album was “Preslava”, of which songs like “Nyamash surce” (You have no heart), “Gorchivi spomeni” (Bitter memories), “Mily moy” (My dear) and “Duma za vyarnost” (A word of loyalty), as well as her first song, stood out.The following year, 2005, she won the award ‘Début of 2004’ at the “4th Annual Awards of Planets TV’. Preslava made her biggest hit – “Dyavolsko jelanie” (Devil desire) which made thousands of people her fans. She was invited to participate in “Planeta Prima 2005”, Planeta Payner’s summer tour. A new album was released, this time called “Dyavolsko jelanie”. The hit songs from this album were: “Finalni dumi” (Final words), “Nyamam pravo” (I have no right), “Bezrazlichna” (Unimpressed), as well as the main song.
Later, in 2006, Preslava won the awards “Most Prosperous Performer of 2005" and "Song of 2005" ( for "Devil desire")at the “5th Annual Awards of Planeta TV”. She released the song “I kogato sumne” (And when dawn comes), which again became another big hit. Preslava became advertising face of mastic “Karnobatska” and released the advertising song – “Preday se na jelanieto” (Give up to the desire). She enjoyed great success and it was no surprise she again participated in the summer tour. The summer of 2006 was also the time in which her duet with Boris Dali appeared. It was called “Purvi v surceto” (First in heart). After hits like “Zaklevam te” (I swear you) and “Umorih se” (I’m tired), she again hit the top with her new album – “Intriga” (Intrigue). Its pilot song – “Luja e” (It’s a lie), a rock entry, remains one of the most emblematic songs in her career.
Preslava started the new year with a song from her last album. The song was called “Nishto drugo” (Nothing else). At the ceremony of “5th Annual Awards of Planeta TV”, she won the following prizes: ‘Female Singer of 2006’ and ‘Song of 2006’ (I kogato sumne). A bit after that, she again took part in commercial for mastic “Karnobatska” and released a continuation of the first advertising song. Predictably, the new song was called “Preday se na jelanieto 2”. Preslava again participated in the summer tour. That was the reason to release a new song – “Muj na horizonta” (Man on the horizon). 2007 can be considered as the most successful year for Preslava. Another proof for that are the mega hit “Moyat nov lyubovnik” (My new lover) as well as her new album “Ne sum angel” (I’m not an angel) which was ranked gold. Every song in it became hit. A videos for the main song and the song “Posleden adres” (Last address) were also made.
As every year, 2008 began with new awards for Preslava. She received the awards for ‘Female Singer of 2007’ as well as ‘Song of 2007’ (Laja e). Preslava released the song “Ostavi mi” (Leave me) which was thought to be the song of Bulgaria in the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 but, unfortunately, this didn’t come to reality. She was again one of the stars of the tour “Planeta Derby Plus 2008” and this can be proved by the fact she closed the show. Until the end of the year, She released two songs which were accompanied by videos -“Novata ti” (Your new one) and “Ot dobrite momicheta” (One of the good girls).
Preslava won the following awards at the “7th Annual Awards of Planeta TV” – ‘Female Singer of 2008’, ‘Album of 2008’ (Ne sum angel; although it appeared in 2007, it was still the most sold in 2008) and ‘Most Artistic Presence in Video’ (Novata ti). She was also invited to the festival “Montefolk” in Montenegro where she got the following award “Biggest Bulgarian Star” getting 90% of the votes. Along with the ceremony, she released the song “Chervena tochka” (Red point). Preslava also appears for a week in “VIP Brother 3”. Two new songs appear – her second duet with Boris Dali – “Burzo li govorya” (Am I talking fast?) as well as “Zle razpredeleni” (Poorly distributed). During the summer tour, Preslava presents her new hits – “Pazi se ot priyatelki” (Be aware from friends) and “Fenomen” (Phenomenon) which reminds of her mega hit “Luja e”. After two years, Preslava presents her new album - “Pazi se ot priyatelki”. Until the end of the year, she releases two duets with Konstantin – “Useshtane za Merilyn” (Feeling for Merilyn) and “Ne mi prechi” (Don’t interfere me).
2010 started very happy for Preslava – she won for 4th time in a row the award ‘Female Singer of 2009”. Other awards for her on the “8th Annual Awards of Planeta TV” were: ‘Album of 2009’ as well as ‘Duet of 2009’ (Ne mi prechi). She released her new song – “Dishay” (Breath) who became big hit. Preslava announced she will not release any songs this year except songs with big potential to become hits. That’s why she had only 3 songs that year: “Piya za tebe” (Drinking for you), a duet, this time with Elena. That was one of the biggest hits of the summer. Other song which became big hit, was “Jenite sled men” (The women after me), as well as “Mrusno i poleka” (Dirty and gently).
The first song of 2011 in Bulgaria was Preslava’s new song – “Kak ti stoi” (How does it match to you) which first air was in 01:11 AM. It was written by Costi who made most of the 2010 hits.Then Preslava record song with Galena witch name is “Hayde , otkazhi me” (Come on, refuse me) . The video is filmed in Dubai .
(2004) PreslavaHits: Njmas Syrce,
Mrazja Te,
Mili Moj.
(2005) Djavolsko Zhelanie
Hits: Djavolsko zhelanie,
Zavinagi Tvoja,
Finalni Dumi.
(2006) Intriga
Hits: I Kogato Symne,
Lyzha e,
Predaj Se Na Zhelanieto.
(2007) Ne Sym Angel
Hits: Myzh Na Horizonta,
Mojat Nov Ljubovnik,
Predaj Se Na Zhelanieto II.
(2009) Pazi se ot priatelki
Hits: Chervena Tochka,
Silnite Muje,
Zle Razpredeleni.
(2011) Kak ti stoi
Hits: Mrusno i poleka,
Kato za final.
2004The special award of "Folk fest Valandovo 2004"
The debut of а folk performer - Festival "Ohridski trabaduri"
3rd place of the jury
The hit of the year - award of "Nov folk" magazine
The debut of the year - award of "Nov folk" magazine
The best advancing performer - annual awards of "Planeta" TV
The best song of the year "Djavolsko zhelanie" ("Devil's desire") - annual awards of "Planeta" TV
The best advancing young performer - annual awards of "Planeta" TV
The best song of the year "Djavolsko zhelanie" ("Devil's desire") - award of "Nov folk" magazine
The best album of the year "Djavolsko zhelanie" ("Devil's desire") - award of "Nov folk" magazine
The best performer - annual awards of "Planeta" TV
The best song of the year "I kogato symne" ("When the sun rises") - annual awards of "Planeta" TV
The best performer - award of "Nov folk" magazine
- "Annual Music Awards 2008"
The most artistic presence in the implementation of video : Preslava - Novata ti
Album of 2008 : Preslava Ne sym angel
Best singer of 2008 : Preslava