Prague Section of IADR
The Prague Section of IADR was founded in 1932 by Karel Černý
Karel Cerný
Karel Černý is a Czech art director and production designer. He won an Academy Award in the category Best Art Direction for the film Amadeus.-External links:...

, Jan Jesenský
Jan Jesenský
Jan Jesenský , professor of stomatology at Prague University.He was the founder and head of the Prague Stomatology Clinic until the German occupation in 1939, a member of the Bohemian Academy, a member of International Association for Dental Research , whose Honorary Vice-President he became...

, František Kostečka, A. E. Loos, Friedrich Neumann, František Neuwirt
František Neuwirt
František Neuwirt , professor of stomatology at Charles University in Prague.He followed Jan Jesenský as head of the Prague Stomatology Clinic until his death, was a member of the Bohemian Academy, a member of International Association for Dental Research , whose Honorary Vice-President he became...

, and Karel Wachsmann.

By 1934, Karel Wachsmanns Jr., Jaromír Křečan, V. F. Náprstek, Čestmír Parma, Josef Přibyl, Ferdinand Škaloud, and Hans Wermuth joined, and in 1937, Karl Haupl. In 1938, Karel Wachsmann Sr. died.

During World War II, more and more members died – moreover, Czechoslovak science has been suppressed by the Nazis – so that by 1948, there were only nine members: Černý, Kostečka, Křečan, Neumann, Neuwirt, Parma, Přibyl, Škaloud, and Wermuth.

The Section "became inactive" in the postwar period – i.e. they were forced to shut down by the communists after their putsch in February 1948. The "inactivation" of the Prague Section was approved by the IADR Council at the 31st General Meeting in 1953.

Some of the founding members of the Section had been honored by being designated as Honorary Vice-Presidents of IADR: Jan Jesenský (1933-35), Karel Wachsmann Sr. (1935-38), Karel Černý (1938-39), and František Neuwirt, 1939-40.

By 1970, there was only one IADR member left in Prague: Anna Placková, who was awarded an IADR "Senior Foreign Dental Scientist" Fellowship. This enabled her to come to Chicago in 1968-69 and participate in several IADR research meetings while traveling in the United States to visit a few dental research centers.
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