Practical Mysticism
The ideas of Practical Mysticsim were embodied in the eponymous 1915 work of Evelyn Underhill
Evelyn Underhill
Evelyn Underhill was an English Anglo-Catholic writer and pacifist known for her numerous works on religion and spiritual practice, in particular Christian mysticism....

. In that work Underhill sets out her belief spiritual life is part of our human nature and as such is available to every human being. Underhill's practical mysticism is secular rather than religious since "it is a natural human activity."

Underhil defines her meaning of Practical Mysticism in the following paragraph:
Underhill's book was written at the outbreak of World War I, at a time of "struggle and endurance, practical sacrifices, difficult and long continuous effort" when practical mysticism was the activity needed most.

External links

  • Full text of Practical Mysticism at Wikisource
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