Pov Malis Lea
Pov Malis Lea is a 1993
1993 in film
The year 1993 in film involved many significant films, including the blockbuster hits Jurassic Park, The Fugitive and The Firm. -Events:...

 film starring Arun Reksemy, Sok Sreymom
Sok Sreymom
Sok Sreymom is one of Cambodia's most beloved film stars with roles in over 100 films and videos. She now lives in California as an accomplished singer traveling around the US appearing with Khmer bands for the last ten years and is releasing her first American music video...

, Tep Rundaro
Tep Rundaro
Tep Rindaro is known to be the longest starring actor in Cambodia since the fall of the Khmer Rouge. His first film was The Secret Tears in the Quiet Purple Night, released in 1987.-Early life:...

, Pisith Pilika
Pisith Pilika
Oak Eap Pili , was a Cambodian ballet dancer and actress. Pilika appeared in hundreds of movies and thousands of karaoke ranging from the 1980s through the 1990s. Her career was brought to a premature end when she was murdered by a gunshot.-Early life:Piseth Pilika was born to Oak Harl and Meng...

, Kai Prasith, Ampor Tevi
Ampor Tevi
Ampor Tevy was a famous Cambodian actress throughout the 1990s. Within the span of her career she has starred in numerous films, from movies to musical skits. Her career started in 1988 with her paired actor Sam Vityea. After Sam Vityea died that year, Ampor Tevi was often paired with fellow...

 and other stars of the time.


  • Arun Reksemy
  • Sok Sreymom
    Sok Sreymom
    Sok Sreymom is one of Cambodia's most beloved film stars with roles in over 100 films and videos. She now lives in California as an accomplished singer traveling around the US appearing with Khmer bands for the last ten years and is releasing her first American music video...

  • Tep Rundaro
    Tep Rundaro
    Tep Rindaro is known to be the longest starring actor in Cambodia since the fall of the Khmer Rouge. His first film was The Secret Tears in the Quiet Purple Night, released in 1987.-Early life:...

  • Pisith Pilika
    Pisith Pilika
    Oak Eap Pili , was a Cambodian ballet dancer and actress. Pilika appeared in hundreds of movies and thousands of karaoke ranging from the 1980s through the 1990s. Her career was brought to a premature end when she was murdered by a gunshot.-Early life:Piseth Pilika was born to Oak Harl and Meng...

  • Kai Prasith
  • Ampor Tevi
    Ampor Tevi
    Ampor Tevy was a famous Cambodian actress throughout the 1990s. Within the span of her career she has starred in numerous films, from movies to musical skits. Her career started in 1988 with her paired actor Sam Vityea. After Sam Vityea died that year, Ampor Tevi was often paired with fellow...

  • Som Dara
  • Neary Roth Kunthea
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